Father Frederick E. Fitzgerald, MM
Born: October 11, 1894
Ordained: May 29, 1920
Died: December 27, 1960
Frederick E. Fitzgerald was born in Holyoke, Mass, on October 11, 1894. He went to Holyoke High School and Holy Cross College and then entered St. Bernard’s Seminary in Rochester to study for the Diocese of Albany. In August of 1919 he transferred to Maryknoll and was ordained on May 29, 1920.
He was first assigned to teach at the Venard. In June of 1922 he was given his mission assignment to Kongmoon. Because of poor health he was recalled to the states in 1925 and took a post on the major seminary faculty. In 1927 Father Fitzgerald was appointed to take charge of the house of studies in Washington, D.C. and at the same time studied for his Licentiate in Theology. In 1928 he was named superior of our work in Honolulu and he remained there until 1935 when he was recalled for promotion work. In June, 1937 he was appointed assistant at the Bedford Novitiate and served faithfully there for four years. He was then assigned to the San Francisco Procure in 1941 and, four years later, to Mountain View.
In September of 1950 Father became suddenly ill and was anointed. He recovered and returned to Mountain View. During his last few years he was chaplain for the Maryknoll Sisters there. Father Fitzgerald continued in poor health for some years, and died just after saying Mass, on December 27, 1960. The funeral and burial were at Mountain View on the 29th.