Biographies A to B

Brother Peter J. Agnone, MM
Father John F. Ahearn, MM
Father Thomas A. Ahearn, MM
Father Maurice F. Ahern, MM
Father Donald L. Allen, MM
Father Frederick J. Allen, MM
Father Richard H. Allen, MM
Father Arthur F. Allie, MM
Father José A. Arámburu, MM
Father Edward R. Arnold, MM
Father Joseph B. Arsenault, MM
Father Roy C. Assenheimer, MM
Father Francis J. Assenmacher, MM
Father Robert F. Astorino, MM
Father Donald W. Aubry, MM
Father Richard A. Aylward, MM
Brother Luke R. Baldwin, MM
Father Norman Batt, MM
Father Edward R. Barron, MM
Brother Benedict Barry, MM
Brother Martin Barry, MM
Father Thomas A. Barry, MM
Father Edward M. Baskerville, MM
Father Robert F. Baudhuin, MM
Father George H. Bauer, MM
Father Thomas J. Bauer, MM
Father Louis I. Bayless, MM
Father Robert C. Bayne, MM
Father Gerard L. Beausoleil, MM
Father Frederick J. Becka, MM
Brother John J. Beeching, MM
Father Richard A. Bell, MM
Father Paul D. Belliveau, MM
Brother Walter Beneke, MM
Father Francis H. Beninati, MM
Father William A. Bergan, MM
Father Patrick A. Bergin, MM
Father John E. Bergwall, MM
Brother Bernard Bobb, MM
Father James A. Bodenstedt, MM
Father Clement P. Boesflug, MM
Father William R. Booth, MM
Father J. Paul Bordenet, MM
Father Wilbur J. Borer, MM
Father Lionel A. Bouffard, MM
Brother Carleton J. Bourgoin, MM
Brother Lawrence Bowers, MM
Father Thomas J. Brack, MM
Father John J. Bradley, MM
Father Joseph E. Brannigan, MM
Father Michael J. Bransfield, MM
Father John M. Breen, MM
Father Anthony V. Brennan, MM
Father Jeremiah J. Brennan, MM
Brother Gregory Brennock, MM
Brother Casimir Brezinski, MM
Father Francis A. Bridge, MM
Father Paul J. Brien, MM
Father Peter C. Brien, MM
Father Arthur J. Briggs, MM
Father Richard L. Brooker, MM
Brother Robert Brooks, MM
Father Edward P. Brophy, MM
Father Arthur E. Brown, MM
Bishop Charles A. Brown, MM
Father Denis P. Browne, MM
Brother John J. Brown, MM
Father George M. Buckley, MM
Father Charles E. Buraus, MM
Father Martin J. Burke, MM
Father Sean P. Burke, MM
Father Thomas J. Burke, MM
Father Constantine F. Burns, MM
Brother Gordon M. Burns, MM
Father J. Clarence Burns, MM
Father Lawrence J. Burns, MM
Father Thomas J. Burns, MM
Father Harry M. Bush, MM
Father James V. Buttino, MM
Father Bernard P. Byrne, MM
Father Hugh F. Byrne, MM
Father John K. Byrne, MM
Bishop Patrick J. Byrne, MM

Biographies C

Father Francis J. Caffrey, MM
Father Francis M. Cahill, MM
Father Robert J. Cairns, MM
Brother Ignatius Callaghan, MM
Father Charles L. Callahan, MM
Father John L. Callahan, MM
Father Richard B. Callahan, MM
Father John B. Callan, MM
Father Vincent R. Capodanno, MM
Father Charles H. Cappel, MM
Father Joseph H. Cappel, MM
Father Thomas J. Carey, MM
Brother George Carlonas, MM
Father Gerald S. Carroll, MM
Monsignor George M. Carroll, MM
Father John J. Casey, MM
Father John P. Casey, MM
Brother Eugene E. Casper, MM
Father Andrew J. Cassidy, MM
Father Joseph H. Cassidy, MM
Father John J. Cawley, MM
Brother Paul L. Chamberlain, MM
Father Donat W. Chatigny, MM
Brother Gonzaga Chilutti, MM
Father Donald V. Chisholm, MM
Brother Cornelius Christie, MM
Father Ralph F. Christman, MM
Father Mark A. Churchill, MM
Father John A. Cioppa, MM
Father Herman W. Cisek, MM
Father Dennis W. Cleary, MM
Father Donald C. Cleary, MM
Father Patrick H. Cleary, MM
Brother Patrick Clerkin, MM
Father Richard L. Clifford, MM
Father Adrien A. Cloutier, MM
Brother Blaise Coffey, MM
Father John F. Coffey, MM
Father John F. Coholan, MM
Father Walter J. Coleman, MM
Father William J. Coleman, MM
Father James P. Colligan, MM
Father Francis W. Collins, MM
Father James B. Collins, MM
Father Michael G. Collins, MM
Bishop Thomas P. Collins, MM
Father William J. Collins, MM
Bishop John W. Comber, MM
Father James A. Conard, MM
Father Edward L. Condon, MM
Father Lawrence A. Conley, MM
Father James C. Connell, MM
Brother Jude M. Conniff, MM
Brother Nicholas Connolly, MM
Father Francis J. Connors, MM
Father Joseph W. Connors, MM
Father Tito J. Consani, MM
Father John J. Considine, MM
Father John E. Conway, MM
Brother Leon Cook, MM
Brother Henry Corcoran, MM
Father John J. Corcoran, MM
Father Casper C. Corso, MM
Father Anthony Cotta, MM
Father George G. Cotter, MM
Father John M. Coulehan, MM
Father James P. Courneen, MM
Father Gervis J. Coxen, MM
Father William J. Coy, MM
Father Hugh C. Craig, MM
Father Robert F. Crawford, MM
Brother Duane T. Crockett, MM
Father Joseph F. Croghan, MM
Father Robert F. Crohan, MM
Father Thomas J. Cronin, MM
Father William T. Cummings, MM
Father Arthur J. Cunneen, MM
Father Vincent A. Cunningham, MM
Father John F. Curran, MM
Father James P. Curtin, MM
Father Edward O. Custer, MM
Father Richard S. Czajkowski, MM

Biographies D to E

Brother Stephen Daley, MM
Father Timothy J. Daley, MM
Father William F. Daley, MM
Father George M. Daly, MM
Father Joseph Daly, MM
Father Thomas E. Danaher, MM
Brother Mark Dance, MM
Bishop Thomas J. Danehy, MM
Father Clyde F. Davis, MM
Father J. Leo Davis, MM
Seminarian Robert W. Davis
Brother Thomas R. Dawson, MM
Brother Ralph J. DeBlanc, MM
Brother Luke de la Motte, MM
Father Francis P. DeMasi, MM
Father Stephen T. DeMott, MM
Father Wayman P. Deasy, MM
Father Leo A. Decman, MM
Father James J. DeFino, MM
Brother Fidelis Deichelbohrer, MM
Father Arthur F. Dempsey, MM
Father Allan J. Dennis, MM
Father Thomas A. Depew, MM
Father Robert L. Depinet, MM
Father Gilbert J. De Ritis, MM
Father Marvin F. Deutsch, MM
Father Richard M. Devoe, MM
Father Frederick C. Dietz, MM
Father Francis A. Diffley, MM
Father Henry F. Dilzer, MM
Father Henry A. Dirckx, MM
Brother Daniel Doherty, MM
Father Donald J. Doherty, MM
Father Daniel D. Dolan, MM
Brother J. Francis Dolphin, MM
Bishop Frederick A. Donaghy, MM
Brother Joseph L. Donahue, MM
Father Francis T. Donnelly, MM
Brother Marius Donnelly, MM
Father Patrick J. Donnelly, MM
Father Robert W. Donnelly, MM
Father Thomas F. Donnelly, MM
Father William J. Donnelly, MM
Father Donald F. Donovan, MM
Father Gerard A. Donovan, MM
Father John F. Donovan, MM
Father Joseph S. Donovan, MM
Father Patrick J. Donovan, MM
Father Thomas R. Donovan, MM
Brother Bede Dower, MM
Brother Joseph Dowling, MM
Father Richard E. Downey, MM
Father William J. Downs, MM
Father Alan T. Doyle, MM
Father John J. Drew, MM
Father John J. Driscoll, MM
Father James M. Drought, MM
Father Paul J. Duchesne, MM
Father Maurice J. Duffy, MM
Father Michael J. Duffy, MM
Father Patrick J. Duffy, MM
Father Laurence A. Dugas, MM
Father Dennis T. Dunne, MM
Father Patrick M. Dunne, MM
Father Arthur J. Dwyer, MM
Father James R. Dyer, MM
Father Miguel F. d’Escoto, MM
Father Joseph E. Early, MM
Father Charles C. Eckstein, MM
Father Stephen B. Edmonds, MM
Father George A. Egan, MM
Father William J. Eggleston, MM
Father Herbert V. Elliott, MM
Father Clarence A. Engler, MM
Father Joseph R. English, MM
Father Philip N. Erbland, MM
Bishop Alonso M. Escalante, MM
Father Jacob J. Esselborn, MM
Brother Harvey Essy, MM

Biographies F to G

Father Joseph Farnen, MM
Father Gerald J. Farrell, MM
Father Joseph A. Farrell, MM
Father John F. Fay, MM
Father Albert V. Fedders, MM
Bishop Edward L. Fedders, MM
Father Maurice A. Feeney, MM
Father Henry J. Felsecker, MM
Father James T. Ferry, MM
Brother Gilbert Figundio, MM
Father John A. Fisher, MM
Father Frederick E. Fitzgerald, MM
Father James E. Fitzgerald, MM
Father James W. Fitzgerald, MM
Father James A. Flaherty, MM
Father George P. Flanagan, MM
Brother Hilarion Flanagan, MM
Father Edward J. Flanigan, MM
Father Norbert J. Fleckenstein, MM
Brother Conrad J. Fleisch, MM
Father Alfred J. Fleming, MM
Father Edward B. Fleming, MM
Father William A. Fletcher, MM
Father George H. Flick, MM
Father John R. Flinn, MM
Father Thomas F. Foley, MM
Father J. Francis Flynn, MM
Father Joseph V. Flynn, MM
Father Lawrence W. Flynn, MM
Father J. Leo Foley, MM
Father Stephen P. Foody, MM
Bishop Francis X. Ford, MM
Brother Simeon Forward, MM
Brother Felix Fournier, MM
Brother Charles Fowley, MM
Father Thomas P. Fox, MM
Brother Brian E. Fraher, MM
Father Rocco P. Franco, MM
Brother John H. Frangenberg, MM
Father Richard C. Frank, MM
Father Robert F. Fransen, MM
Father William B. Frazier, MM
Father Richard R. Fries, MM
Father Gorden N. Fritz, MM
Father Brendan J. Fullam, MM
Father Michael Gaiero, MM
Father John B. Gallagher, MM
Father John D. Gallagher, MM
Father John J. Gallahue, MM
Father William J. Galvin, MM
Father Bartholomew J. Galvin, MM
Father John C. Ganly, MM
Father Herbert T. Gappa, MM
Father Bernard R. Garrity, MM
Father Thomas F. Garrity, MM
Father Francis J. Garvey, MM
Father Jerome P. Garvey, MM
Father Raymond A. Gaspard, MM
Father John E. Geitner, MM
Bishop Hugo M.Gerbermann, MM
Father Howard C. Geselbracht, MM
Father Christopher W. Gibbons, MM
Father Joseph P. Gibbons, MM
Father Thomas F. Gibbons, MM
Father Sylvio R. Gilbert, MM
Father Thomas F. Gilleran, MM
Father George N. Gilligan, MM
Father James M. Gilligan, MM
Father J. Gregory Gilmartin, MM
Father Charles F. Girnius, MM
Father Lloyd I. Glass, MM
Father Maurice P. Gleason, MM
Father Walter J. Gleason, MM
Father Joseph M. Glynn, MM
Father Frederick C. Goddard, MM
Father Thomas F. Goekler, MM
Father Thomas P. Golden, MM
Father W. Robert Golish, MM
Father Albert E. Good, MM
Father Fidelis C. Goodman, MM
Father John H. Gorham, MM
Father James H. Gorman, MM
Father John P. Grady, MM
Father Ambrose C. Graham, MM
Father Bertrand Gramelspacher, MM
Brother Gregory Grant, MM
Father John L. Graser, MM
Father Ronald L. Green, MM
Father J. Gerard Greene, MM
Father Robert W. Greene, MM
Brother Michael J. Greyerbiehl, MM
Father Joseph F. Gribbs, MM
Father Patrick J. Griffin, MM
Father Richard W. Grillo, MM
Brother John J. Grimley, MM
Father J. Gerard Grondin, MM
Brother Alphonse Gross, MM
Father Adam B. Gudalefsky, MM

Biographies H to J

Father James F. Habenicht, MM
Father George D. Haggerty, MM
Father Joseph A. Hahn, MM
Father John K. Halbert, MM
Father Peter J. Halligan, MM
Father Edward J. Halloran, MM
Father Joseph W. Halpin, MM
Bishop J. Richard Ham, MM
Father Joseph L. Hamel, MM
Father Denis J. Hanly, MM
Father Austin N. Hannon, MM
Father Stephen V. Hannon, MM
Father Raymond L. Hanrahan, MM
Brother Bernard Hansan, MM
Father Alfred W. Harding, MM
Father Donald J. Haren, MM
Father John F. Harrington, MM
Father Leon A. Harter, MM
Father Louis H. Hater, MM
Father Edward A. Hayes, MM
Father John C. Heemskerk, MM
Father William P. Heffernan, MM
Father Frederick J. Hegarty, MM
Father Joseph A. Heim, MM
Father G. Frederick Heinzmann, MM
Father John R. Heisse, MM
Father Thomas P. Henehan, MM
Brother James J. Hengy, MM
Father Ronald W. Hennessey, MM
Brother Charles Heschele, MM
Father Donald L. Hessler, MM
Father Leo W. Hewitt, MM
Brother Thomas A. Hickey, MM
Father Michael P. Hiegel, MM
Father Francis B. Higdon, MM
Father Eugene F. Higgins, MM
Father John J. Higgins, MM
Father Thomas C. Higgins, MM
Father Charles P. Hilbert, MM
Father Raymond A. Hill, MM
Father John D. Hines, MM
Father George J. Hirschboeck, MM
Father Richard A. Hochwalt, MM
Father Anthony P. Hodgins, MM
Father Patrick M. Hoffman, MM
Father George F. Hogan, MM
Brother Michael J. Hogan, MM
Father Raymond C. Hohlfeld, MM
Brother Bede T. Horgan, MM
Brother Augustine J. Horkan, MM
Brother Harold V. Horne, MM
Father John P. Hudert, MM
Father Charles T. Huegelmeyer, MM
Father J. Russell Hughes, MM
Father J. Ryan Hughes, MM
Father James E. Hughes, MM
Father John F. Hugues, MM
Father Robert J. Hughes, MM
Father Joseph A. Hunt, MM
Brother Francis M. Hutz, MM
Father Armand J. Jacques, MM
Father Hilary G. Jakowski, MM
Father Edward H. James, MM
Father Sigmund S. Jamroz, MM
Father Daniel P. Jensen, MM
Father John A. Jensen, MM
Father Leo Jones, MM
Father John E. Joyce, MM
Father John H. Joyce, MM
Brother Justin R. Joyce, MM

Biographies K to L

Father James C. Kalchthaler, MM
Brother Stanislaus Kammer, MM
Father Joseph R. Kane, MM
Father Richard S. Kardian, MM
Father Anthony J. Karlovecius, MM
Father William A. Kaschmitter, MM
Father Roman A. Kasprzak, MM
Father Thomas S. Keane, MM
Father John B. Keaney, MM
Brother Albert T. Kearly, MM
Father Robert E. Kearns, MM
Fr. Thomas H. Keefe, MM
Father Martin P. Keegan, MM
Father Gregory J. Keegan, MM
Father Francis X. Keelan, MM
Father Matthew H. Kelleher, MM
Father Walter T. Kelleher, MM
Father James G. Keller, MM
Seminarian John X. Kelley
Father Raymond H. Kelley, MM
Father Francis G. Kelliher, MM
Father Gerald E. Kelly, MM
Father John F. Kennedy, MM
Father Justin B. Kennedy, MM
Father Leo R. Kennedy, MM
Father Robert P. Kennelly, MM
Father Charles E. Kenney, MM
Father Arthur C. Kiernan, MM
Father Thomas V. Kiernan, MM
Father Edward R. Killackey, MM
Father Thomas B. Killackey, MM
Father Frederick J. Killoran, MM
Father August R. Kircher, MM
Father Thomas B. Kirchmyer, MM
Brother Matthew Kirwan, MM
Brother Boniface Klophaus, MM
Father Rudolph G. Kneuer, MM
Father William T. Knipe, MM
Father Wenceslaus F. Knotek, MM
Father Edward A. Koechel, MM
Monsignor Albert I. Koenigsknecht, MM
Father Joseph W. Kowalczyk, MM
Father Cyril J. Kramar, MM
Father Frederick J. Krampert, MM
Father William S. Kress, MM
Father George L. Krock, MM
Father William C. Kruegler, MM
Father Edward L. Krumpelmann, MM
Father James J. Kuhn, MM
Bishop William F. Kupfer, MM
Father Theodore M. Kuechmann, MM
Father Carmen G. La Mazza, MM
Father James P. Lacoste, MM
Father Arthur C. Lacroix, MM
Father Dennis J. Lally, MM
Brother Xavier Lambe, MM
Brother John J. LaMotte, MM
Father John I. Lane, MM
Bishop Raymond A. Lane, MM
Father Joseph R. Lang, MM
Brother Gerard Langland, MM
Father Thomas S. Langley, MM
Brother George J. Lannen, MM
Father Donald H. Lansing, MM
Father Daniel A. Lanza, MM
Father Richard G. Laszewski, MM
Father Thomas E. Lavelle, MM
Father Hugh T. Lavery, MM
Father John L. Lavin, MM
Father Joseph P. Lavin, MM
Father John J. Lawler, MM
Father Robert E. Lee, MM
Father Robert R. Lefebvre, MM
Father James W. Lehr, MM
Father John F. Lenahan, MM
Father James L. Lenihan, MM
Father Roy P. Leonard, MM
Father Edward F. LePrelle, MM
Father Charles J. Liberatore, MM
Father Robert A. Lilly, MM
Father Robert M. Lilly, MM
Father John P. Lomasney, MM
Brother Anthony Lopez, MM
Father James J. Logue, MM
Father Joseph E. Luckey, MM
Father Ernest C. Lukaschek, MM
Father Kevin A. Lynch, MM
Father P. Francis Lynch, MM

Biographies M

Father Robert L. Mackesy, MM
Father William M. Mackesy, MM
Father Francis D. MacRae, MM
Father James J. Madden, MM
Father William T. Madden, MM
Father Henry J. Madigan, MM
Father Anthony L. Madison, MM
Father Charles M. Magsam, MM
Father J. Ernest Mailhot, MM
Father Vincent P. Mallon, MM
Father Vincent T. Mallon, MM
Father Edward F. Malone, MM
Father Thomas J. Malone, MM
Father Thomas J. Maney, MM
Father Edward J. Manning, MM
Father James T. Manning, MM
Father James V. Manning, MM
Father John W. Manning, MM
Father Edward T. Mannion, MM
Brother Anthony C. Mantel, MM
Father Thomas J. Mantica, MM
Father Reginald M. Markham, MM
Father William F. Marley, MM
Father Leonard J. Marron, MM
Brother Victor E. Marshall, MM
Father Stephen J. Maskell, MM
Father John J. Massoth, MM
Father Joseph W. Matheis, MM
Father Justin E. Maurath, MM
Father Walter J. Maxcy, MM
Brother Marvin J. Mayberger, MM
Father Joseph V. Maynard, MM
Brother Adrian R. Mazuchowski, MM
Father Thomas A. McBride, MM
Father John J. McCabe, MM
Father Ramon J. McCabe, MM
Brother Thomas McCann, MM
Father Charles F. McCarthy, MM
Father Leo F. McCarthy, MM
Father Michael J. McCarthy, MM
Father William D. McCarthy, MM
Father William R. McCarthy, MM
Father James P. McClarnon, MM
Father J. Edmund McClear, MM
Father James V. McCloskey, MM
Father Vincent B. McConaughy, MM
Father John F. McConnell, MM
Father Joseph P. McCormack, MM
Father James A. McCormick, MM
Father Gerard T. McCrane, MM
Father Philip F. McCue, MM
Father James E. McDermott, MM
Father Thomas F. McDermott, MM
Father Joseph A. McDonald, MM
Father William S. McDonald, MM
Father Thomas P. McDonnell, MM
Father James J. McFadden, MM
Father Joseph J. McGahren, MM
Brother Brendan McGillicuddy, MM
Father John A. McGinn, MM
Father Joseph A. P. McGinn, MM
Father J. Donald McGinnis, MM
Father Edward J. McGovern, MM
Father John J. McGovern, MM
Father Edward J. McGuinness, MM
Father John R. McGuire, MM
Bishop Edward A. McGurkin, MM
Father Michael J. McKeirnan, MM
Father William T. McKenna, MM
Brother Augustine McKernan, MM
Father John P. McKernan, MM
Father Michael J. McKillop, MM
Father Daniel F. McLaughlin, MM
Father James E. McLaughlin, MM
Father John M. McLoughlin, MM
Father James P. McMahon, MM
Father Richard S. McMonigal, MM
Bishop William J. McNaughton, MM
Father James F. McNiff, MM
Father Charles J. McPadden, MM
Father George H. McPeak, MM
Father Donald P. McQuade, MM
Father Daniel L. McShane, MM
Father Joseph P. Meaney, MM
Father John J. Meaney, MM
Father John P. Meehan, MM
Father Manuel J. Mejia, MM
Father Leo J. Melancon, MM
Brother Roger J. Mellon, MM
Father Arthur Merfeld, MM
Father Bernard F. Meyer, MM
Father Elmer J. Meyer, MM
Seminarian John H. Meyers
Father John J. Mihelko, MM
Father Francis P. Milroy, MM
Brother Donald R. Miriani, MM
Father William H. Moeschler, MM
Brother Aloysius Moliner, MM
Father Vincent H. Montague, MM
Father Edward F. Moore, MM
Father James J. Morgan, MM
Father John J. Moriarty, MM
Brother Philip Morini, MM
Father John E. Morris, MM
Father Thomas M. Morris, MM
Father James J. Morrissey, MM
Father William J. Morrissey, MM
Father Robert F. Morse, MM
Father William P. Mulcahy, MM
Father William F. Mullan, MM
Father Francis E. Mullen, MM
Brother John T. Mullen, MM
Father Peter P. Mullen, MM
Father Francis J. Mulligan, MM
Father Albert J. Murphy, MM
Father Francis G. Murphy, MM
Father Henry J. Murphy, MM
Father J. Maynard Murphy, MM
Father John J. Murphy, MM
Father Laurence T. Murphy, MM
Father Martin F. Murphy, MM
Father William F. Murphy, MM
Father William J. Murphy, MM
Father Charles A. Murray, MM
Father John H. Murray, MM
Brother Leo J. Murray, MM
Father Eugene M. Murray, MM
Father John C. Murrett, MM

Biographies N to Q

Father Gerald J. Nagle, MM
Brother William Neary, MM
Father Joseph C. Nerino, MM
Father Albert J. Nevins, MM
Father James P. Nieckarz, MM
Brother Raymond P. Nihill, MM
Father Bryce T. Nishimura, MM
Father James K. Nishimuta, MM
Father Raymond J. Nobiletti, MM
Father Thomas F. Nolan, MM
Father William S. Nolan, MM
Father James P. Noonan, MM
Brother Barry J. Norman, MM
Father William P. North, MM
Father Irwin D. Nugent, MM
Father Daniel F. O’Brien, MM
Father Denis E. O’Brien, MM
Father Howard E. O’Brien, MM
Father James M. O’Brien, MM
Father John J. O’Brien, MM
Father John J. “Mel” O’Brien, MM
Father Paul A. O’Brien, MM
Father William M. O’Brien, MM
Father Brendan M. O’Connell, MM
Father Michael H. O’Connell, MM
Father Michael J. O’Connor, MM
Father James F. O’Day, MM
Father Frank T. O’Donnell, MM
Father James J. O’Donnell, MM
Father John R. O’Donnell, MM
Father Patrick F. O’Donoghue, MM
Father John J. Ogurchock, MM
Brother Christopher O’Leary, MM
Father William T. O’Leary, MM
Father Thomas A. O’Melia, MM
Brother Charles S. O’Neil, MM
Father Francis J. O’Neill, MM
Father James W. O’Neill, MM
Father Joseph J. O’Neill, MM
Brother Malachi P. O’Regan, MM
Father Thomas P. O’Rourke, MM
Bishop William F. O’Shea, MM
Father Richard T. Ouellette, MM
Brother Joachim Owen, MM
Father George F. Painter, MM
Father Fernand Paquet, M.M.
Bishop James V. Pardy, MM
Father Francis E. Paris, MM
Brother Vincent de Paul Parkinson, MM
Bishop Adolph J. Paschang, MM
Father E. Patrick Patterson, MM
Father Anthony Paulhus, MM
Father Richard E. Paulissen, MM
Father Leo J. Peloquin, MM
Father Roy D. Petipren, MM
Brother Bernard Petley, MM
Father Peter J. Petrucci, MM
Father George F. Pfister, MM
Father William F. Pheur, MM
Father Alden L. Pierce, MM
Father Thomas J. Plunkett, MM
Father Anthony K. Polyak, MM
Father Hubert M. Pospichal, MM
Father Ronald J. Potter, MM
Father Richard E. Power, MM
Father George C. Powers, MM
Father Arthur J. Prall, MM
Father Thomas J. Prendergast, MM
Father William J. Price, MM
Father Joseph Pulaski, MM
Brother Carl J. Puls, MM
Brother Bernard Puthoff, MM
Father George N. Putnam, MM
Father Carroll I. Quinn, MM
Father Edward J. “Lou” Quinn, MM
Father John T. Quinn, MM
Father Richard J. Quinn, MM
Father Thomas N. Quirk, MM

Biographies R to S

Brother Ronald Rak, MM
Father Norbert J. Rans, MM
Father George H. Ratermann, MM
Father Otto A. Rauschenbach, MM
Father James H. Ray, MM
Father Thomas G. Ray, MM
Father Joseph M. Reardon, MM
Father Francis Rebol, MM
Father Aloysius Rechsteiner, MM
Brother Bonaventure A. Redman, MM
Brother Edward D. Redmond Jr., MM
Bishop Joseph W. Regan, MM
Brother Maurice Reidy, MM
Father Peter A. Reilly, MM
Father Joseph A. Reinhart, MM
Brother Louis Reinhart, MM
Brother Thaddeus Revers, MM
Father Albert L. Reymann, MM
Father Richard B. Rhodes, MM
Father Edward E. Richardson, MM
Father Joseph J. Rickert, MM
Father John J. Ridyard, MM
Brother Adrien Riley, MM
Brother Ronald N. Rinella, MM
Father Charles P. Robak, MM
Father Delbert W. Robinson, MM
Brother Jerome Roddy, MM
Monsignor John Romaniello, MM
Father Milton P. Rosera, MM
Father Arthur J. Rosinski, MM
Father Louis B. Rost, MM
Father James V. Roth, MM
Father James J. Rottner, MM
Father Michael J. Ruck, MM
Bishop John J. Rudin, MM
Father John J. Ruessmann, MM
Father John E. Ruppert, MM
Father Edmond L. Ryan, MM
Father Joseph P. Ryan, MM
Father Richard J. Sammon, MM
Father Ronald R. Saucci, MM
Father Thomas C. Saunders, MM
Father James M. Scanlon, MM
Father J. Lawrence Schanberger, MM
Father Steven S. Scherrer, MM
Father Francis F. Schexnayder, MM
Father Alphonse A. Schiavone, MM
Father Charles J. Schmidt, MM
Father Daniel J. Schneider, MM
Father Stephen L. Schroeppel, MM
Father Cletus J. Schroering, MM
Father Joseph H. Schrubbe, MM
Father William F. Schulz, MM
Brother Sebastian J. Schwartz, MM
Father John M. Scott, MM
Brother Andrew Seidlinger, MM
Father Thomas J. Shea, MM
Father Philip F. Sheerin, MM
Father James A. Sheridan, MM
Father Robert E. Sheridan, MM
Father Daniel J. Sherman, MM
Father Joseph J. Shields, MM
Father Eugene F. Simon, MM
Father Michael A. Simone, MM
Father James P. Sinnott, MM
Father Dennis J. Slattery, MM
Father Ralph W. Sylva, MM
Father Alan A. Smidlein, MM
Father Alfred E. Smith, MM
Father Brendan P. Smith, MM
Father James F. Smith, MM
Father John F. Smith, MM
Father Joseph S. Smith, MM
Father Leo J. Sommer, MM
Father Paul J. Sommer, MM
Father Robert R. Sprinkle, MM
Brother Edmund F. Stack, MM
Father Joseph C. Stack, MM
Father John J. Stankard, MM
Brother Albert Staubli, MM
Father Donald R. Steed, MM
Father James S. Stefaniak, MM
Brother Frederick Steinbach, MM
Father Leo J. Steinbach, MM
Brother DePorres Stilp, MM
Brother Kieran Stretton, MM
Father John J. Sullivan, MM
Father John J. “Jack” Sullivan, MM
Father Raymond F. Sullivan, MM
Father Joseph A. Sweeney, MM
Father Leo W. Sweeney, MM
Father John F. Swift, MM
Father Donald F. Sybertz, MM

Biographies T to Z

Father Philip A. Taggart, MM
Father Thomas W. Takahashi, MM
Father Francis J. Taney, MM
Father John W. Teat, MM
Brother Francis (Frank) J. TenHoopen, MM
Father Mark A. Tennien, MM
Father Thomas P. Tennissen, MM 
Father Eugene A. Thalman, MM
Father Eugene A. Theisen, MM
Father Roman G. Theisen, MM
Father Leopold H. Tibesar, MM
Father John J. Tierney, MM
Father William I. Tillson, MM   
Father Robert V. Tobin, MM
Father James S. Tokuhisa, MM
Father William J. Tokus, MM
Father Edmund A. Toomey, MM
Father John J. Toomey, MM
Father Patrick C. Toomey, MM
Father Paul W. Touchette, MM
Father Joseph P. Trainor, MM
Father James M. Travis, MM
Father Jerome A. Trettel, MM
Father John C. Troesch, MM
Father Howard D. Trube, MM
Father Lionel F. Trudel, MM
Brother Gabriel P. Uhll, MM
Brother Louis J. Uttendorfer, MM
Father Walter J. Valladon, MM
Father Joseph E. Van den Bogaard, MM
Brother Ambrose Van Kempen, MM
Father Laurence S. Vaughan, MM
Brother Cyril L. Vellicig, MM
Father Norbert M. Verhagen, MM
Father John J. Vinsko, MM
Father Donald J. Vittengl, MM
Father Morgan J. Vittengl, MM
Father Edward F Walck, MM
Father Charles A. Walker, MM
Father Frederick P. Walker, MM
Father David I. Walsh, MM
Bishop James E. Walsh, MM
Brother John E. Walsh, MM
Father John F. Walsh, MM
Father John J. Walsh, MM
Father John J. (Kelly) Walsh, MM
Father John J. Walsh, MM
Father Michael W. Walsh, MM
Brother Owen Walsh, MM
Brother Patrick J. Walsh, MM
Brother Theophane Walsh, MM
Father Thomas S. Walsh, MM
Father Vincent W. Walsh, MM
Father Leo J. Walter, MM
Father James R. Weckesser, MM
Father Wayne T. Weinlader, MM
Father Edward A. Weis, MM
Father Thomas R. Wellinghoff, MM
Brother Francis T. Wempe, MM
Father Edward J. Whelan, MM
Father R. Felix White, MM
Father William V. Whitlow, MM
Father James R. Whitmore, MM
Father Gerald M. Wickenhauser, MM
Father Bernard F. Wieland, MM
Father C. Thomas Wilcox, MM
Father Arthur H. Wille, MM
Father Robert H. Winkels, MM
Father Francis J. Winslow, MM
Father Clarence J. Witte, MM
Brother John J. Wohead, MM
Father Louis J. Wolken, MM
Father Constantine F. Wolott, MM
Father William H. Woods, MM
Father Edward M. Wroblewski, MM
Father Peter A. Wu, MM
Father Elmer P. Wurth, MM
Father John F. Wymes, MM
Father Thomas F. Wynne, MM
Father Vincent C. Zebrowski, MM
Father Richard E. Zeimet, MM
Father Leo V. Zemalkowski, MM
Father Maurice J. Zerr, MM
Father Gerald P. Ziegengeist, MM
Brother Joseph J. Ziegler, MM
Father Stanislaus T. Ziemba, MM  
Father Michael O. Zunno, MM
Father Benedict A. Zweber, MM