Brother Michael J. Hogan, MM
Born: October 21, 1886
Oath: September 15, 1930
Died: July 18, 1966
Michael J. Hogan was born on October 21, 1886 in Philadelphia, Pa. During World War I he served in France. After his discharge he for the government as a clerk for three years.
In 1922 he entered Maryknoll and after only one year of formation was sent to Kongmoon, South China where Msgr. James E. Walsh was in urgent need of a secretary and bookkeeper. Brother took up residence at Pakkai, the central mission, which later became the site of the Kongmoon Mission Cathedral and Seminary.
Brother Michael carried on faithfully and efficiently,relieving the Bishop of the burden of correspondence and the keeping of accounts. He was also a very congenial companion, drawing on a wide reading knowledge. He had an unusual memory for dates and could quote Shakespeare quite readily, brightening up the dull days during the rainy season.
Just before Kongmoon was taken over by the Japanese Brother Michael was sent to Hong Kong where he could carry on his work freely. It was while he was residing at Stanley that he was arrested with the other Maryknollers there and interned. In 1942 he was repatriated.
In 1946, after the war, he was reassigned to Kongmoon where he continued his work under Bishop Paschang. However, once again he was forced to leave when the Communist regime came into power. He continued to look after the accounts and records of the Kongmoon Mission. He suffered very much as he thought of Bishop Paschang who was then being subjected to torture. On the release of Bishop Paschang, Brother Michael returned to the States as his health began to be affected. He obtained permission to live with a sister. After her death he resided at the Center but remained ill. Funeral and burial took place at the Center on July 21.