Brother Malachi P. O'Regan, MM
Born: July 23, 1892
Oath: November 1, 1930
Died: September 25, 1965
Malachi O’Regan was born on July 23, 1892 in Ballinager, Ireland. He attended the Presentation Brothers’ School at home until he was eighteen and then went to Sacred Heart College in the city of Cork for three years. In 1914 he emigrated to Canada and worked at different occupations, mostly in stores as a salesman. In 1921 he left Saskatchewan and came to California where he worked in Los Angeles and later in San Francisco as a salesman.
On November 9, 1928 Malachi joined Maryknoll and after three years at the Center was assigned to the Seattle Japanese Mission. In 1932 he was transferred to the Los Angeles Procure where he remained nine years and was then sent to the Chicago Promotion house in 1941. For the next twelve years he labored successfully to develop the work of the Society in the Mid-West area.
In 1953 he was transferred to Maryknoll Center and worked in the Photo Service Department. When the new Denver Promotion house was opened in Kay, 1958 Brother Malachi was assigned there and drew on his long and successful experience to organize the work in an efficient manner. His affability and his concern for a guest made the Denver house a popular stopover for passing missioners and even for the diocesan priests coming to the city for a day or two.
In the summer of 1965 he visited Ireland, but shortly after his return he began to feel unwell. He died on September 25, 1965 at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Denver. Funeral Mass and burial were at Glen Ellyn.