Father Charles A. Walker, MM
Born: August 2, 1892
Ordained: June 17, 1923
Died: December 27, 1971
Charles A. Walker was born in San Francisco on August 2, 1892. He attended public schools there for his early education and also went to Columbia University in Portland, Oregon (1916-17) as an ecclesiastical student from that Archdiocese. Convinced of his missionary vocation he joined Maryknoll in l9l8 after hearing of the Society through a visiting preacher at his parish, Father McShane.
After his ordination on June 17, 1923 he did promotion work in San Francisco until he was assigned to Kongmoon where he labored for ten years. His health was not good and he never returned to the missions. He worked at Mountain View from 1936 to 1952, was Assistant Spiritual Director at Glen Ellyn (1952-58) and Director of the Brothers there. In 1958 he was named Spiritual Director at Mountain View. On December 10th 1971, he was brought to St. Teresa’s Residence.
A concelebrated Mass was said at Maryknoll on the 29th at 11:00 a.m. Fr. John McCormack was principal celebrant and Fr. Francis Winslow, a classmate, preached the homily. burial was in God’s Acre here.