Sister Mary Annette Kelley, MM
Born: May 2, 1884
Entered: February 2, 1927
Died: November 23, 1967
You will be surprised to hear that Sister Mary Annette died quietly and calmly shortly after midnight on Thanksgiving Day, November 23.
Sister Mary Annette (Mary A. Kelley) was born at Charleston, Mass., May 2nd, 1884. After graduation from high school, she worked as a secretary and bookkeeper for eighteen years before entering Maryknoll on Feb. 2nd, 1927. She came with a firm desire to consecrate herself, body and soul, and her gifts, including her knowledge of business matters to God. The years bore out the proof of her complete dedication to Him and to Maryknoll. After Profession, October 28th, 1929, she was given responsibility in the business affairs of the Congregation. She was bookkeeper at the Venard, until her assignment as Superior of Los Altos in 1934. She was Treasurer General from 1937 to 1958, and also a member of the General Council from 1937 to 1952. Certainly she carried a great burden for the Motherhouse and the missions during those years. The period from 1937 to the fall of 1967 was spent at the Motherhouse. The sacrifice of leaving this beloved “family” of hers for a new environment at Bethany was made wholeheartedly and graciously.
The Requiem Mass for Sister will be offered on Saturday, November 25th at 11 A.M. at the Motherhouse chapel. May our Sister, who loved all, and was loved by all, know the great eternal love of heaven.