Sister Mary Ancilla McArdle, MM
Born: February 6, 1900
Entered: September 23, 1922
Died: June 16, 1979
Dorothy Marie McArdle was born on February 6, 1900 in Elmhurst, Long Island. She studied in schools near her home and after working as a Civil Service clerk for a few years, she entered Maryknoll on September 23, 1922. Dorothy McArdle received the name Sister Mary Ancilla at the time of her Reception, and made her first vows on April 30, 1925; she made her final vows at Maryknoll, three years later.
Even though Sister longed at one time for an overseas assignment, she spent her entire mission life here in the United States, serving the mission of the Church by using her secretarial and bookkeeping skills in Maryknoll. She worked at the Venard, Crichton House, at Monrovia, and here at The Center. Those who knew her well comment on her gentleness, her generosity, her dignity, her refinement and dependability. They remark especially, however, on her gentleness; on her quiet carrying-through of her duties without complaint, whether it was the physical work of the Kitchen or the Laundry at the Venard, or her secretarial work with the Field Afar Office, or here at the Center in the Promotion Department. Sister Ancilla returned to the West Coast to spend some of her last years of retirement at Monrovia in 1966. In 1971 she came to Bethany; and in 1978 she was transferred to our Nursing Home here at The Center, where she died as quietly and as gently as she had lived, at 1:40 p.m., on Saturday, June 16, 1979.
The Mass of the Resurrection was concelebrated by Maryknoll Fathers Robert E. Sheridan, principal celebrant, assisted by Fathers Frank Meccia and James R. Weckesser at 11:00 a.m., today, June 19th. Father Sheridan and Sister Ancilla were second-cousins.