Sister Marie Corrine Rost, MM
Born: July 29, 1917
Entered: July 5, 1937
Died: September 1, 2019
Sister Corinne passed from death to new life on September 1, 2019 in our Maryknoll Sisters Center. She was 102 years old and Maryknoll Sister for 82 years.
Born July 29, 1917, Sister was the first daughter of Euphemia Dudenhoeffer and Louis Henry Rost. Her three brothers John, Maryknoll Father Louis Rost MM, and Joseph and two sisters Cay and Bernice have predeceased her. She was baptized Anna Maria at Immaculate Conception Church in Jefferson City, MO on July 31,1917. She attended and completed the ten years of the parish school, then transferred to St. Peter’s High School and graduated in 1935. Anna Maria attended Mt. St. Scholastica College in Atchinson, KS for two years before entering Maryknoll on July 5, 1937. It was during this period of her education that she discovered her talent and love for music.
At her reception, Sister received the name Marie Corinne. Her First Profession of Vows was on January 6, 1940 at the Motherhouse and Final Vows on January 6, 1943 at San Juan Bautista, CA. She received a Bachelor of Music degree with a minor in piano from Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, NYC in 1942. Her joy and knowledge of music would be part of every mission assignment. In 1942, Sister Corrine was assigned to San Juan Bautista, CA, a small mission station, as the choir director. In 1945, she moved to Los Angeles where she worked in a home for children. During World War II, she also taught release-time religion classes.
In 1946, Sister Corrine was assigned to Hong Kong and taught religion and music and gave piano lessons at Maryknoll Convent School. Playing Peter and the Wolf, she introduced 10, 11 and 12 year olds to the various instruments of the orchestra. She also created an orchestra notebook with pictures and explanations of every instrument. Some of the former students still have the notebook. Her appreciation of and ability in music was passed on to many students. One of her students upon learning of her death wrote, “I am saddened with the news of Sr. Corinne’s passing and know she is in God’s hands. She taught me Music Appreciation and voice and to sing God’s Praises!”
In 1953, Sister Corrine became principal and supervisor of one session of the Maryknoll Convent Primary School and supervisor of the afternoon session until she reached the age of 60, the mandatory retirement age in Hong Kong. She then taught release-time religion as director of volunteers in St. Joseph’s Parish in Hong Kong.
In 1983, Sister returned to the Maryknoll Sisters Center, Maryknoll, NY and gave Congregational Service in the Research and Planning Department. In 1996, she officially retired to the Maryknoll Sisters Retirement Home in Monrovia, CA. In 2008, she returned to the Maryknoll Sisters Center, NY, where she became a member of the Maryknoll Residential Care Unit. Ever a missioner, she chose Sudan as her prayer ministry.
We welcome Father Michael Duggan, MM who will preside at Sr. Marie Corinne’s Mass of Resurrection.