Father James R. Dyer, MM
Born: March 4, 1921
Ordained: June 11, 1949
Died: September 2, 1973
James R. Dyer was born on March 4,1921 in Ossining, N.Y. He attended St. Augustine’s Parish School, was graduated from Mary Immaculate High School in Ossining and spent a year at Scarborough Preparatory School. Joining Maryknoll in August of 1940, he studied at the Venard and Maryknoll. He was ordained on June 11, 1949.
Father Dyer was immediately assigned to Bolivia where he worked in the Pando Vicariate, at Cobija, Riberalta, Guayaramerin and on the Madre de Dios River. These last several years he worked at the Santa Ana Parish in Cochabamba.
Jim wrote enthusiastically about Bishop James E. Walsh who visited Bolivia in 1971: “We met a man of God who was not ashamed of God nor of his vocation. we met a man, who like St. Paul had been tried, had suffered and who persevered through it all. We met a man of deep faith and complete trust in God, a man of deep love and concern for the people he was sent to serve.” “Duck” Dyer was a hard-working and dedicated missioner and we who have been privileged to know him can say the same of him.
Father Dyer had to return from Bolivia in June of this year on account of his health. He was very ill and suffered a great deal in these last few months. In recent letters back to Bolivia he offered his suffering for the Bolivian people he had so long served.
Father died on September 2, 1973 at St. Teresa’s Residence. A concelebrated Mass was held on September 5 in the chapel here. Fr. Arthur Dwyer, a classmate, was principal celebrant, and Msgr. Lawrence Burns, Ordinary of the Pando Vicariate, preached the homily.