Bishop Edward L. Fedders, MM
Born: December 14, 1913
Ordained: June 11, 1944
Died: March 11, 1973
Edward Louis Fedders was born in Covington, KY on December 14, 1913. He was one of fourteen children. He received his early education in the parochial schools of Covington. He completed one year of college before his entrance to Maryknoll in September, 1934. He was ordained on June 11, 1944 and assigned to Peru where he worked in educational and pastoral duties and served as Society Superior for South America from 1952 until 1956, when he was appointed Regional Superior of Peru.
In 1957 he was named Prelate of Juli in Peru with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor. In 1962 Bishop Fedders went to Rome to participate in the II Vatican Ecumenical Council. The following year he was consecrated Titular Bishop of Antioch Meandro on December 12, 1963 in his home town of Covington. In Peru it is the law that Ordinaries of frontier towns must be citizens, so Bishop Fedders became a Peruvian citizen.
Bishop Fedders first fell ill in March of 1970. He made a remarkable recovery and continued his work for his people, after a period of recuperation. His life was one of dedication and service and will always remain an example for each one of us. Truly he rejoices with Our Divine Lord as he hears our Father in Heaven say: “Come, take your inheritance in the Kingdom, reserved for you since the foundation of the world.”
He died on Sunday, March 11. He had just finished celebrating Mass in the town of Pomata.
Burial took place in Juli on March 13th. He was remembered in a concelebrated Mass at Maryknoll on the 14th and at a Mass in the Cathedral in Covington on the 17th Bishop Ackerman was principal celebrant and Fr. Dwyer gave the homily.