Brother Andrew Seidlinger, MM
Born: February 21, 1907
Oath: February 20, 1931
Died: September 12, 1983
On Monday morning, September 12, 1983, at 6 a.m., Brother Andrew Seidlinger died peacefully at St. Teresa’s Residence. For many years Brother had suffered poor health.
Brother came to Maryknoll in 1929 at 22 years of age from a Brooklyn family of three brothers and two sisters. After completing his early Catholic education in the parishes of St. Barbara and St. Aloysius, he worked for some years in industrial firms in New York. He attributed his vocation to Maryknoll to “prayer and reading about the religious life.” He took his Perpetual Oath in 1934.
Through the years Brother’s work in Maryknoll was very diversified. He was a painter, an expert automobile mechanic, a chauffeur, did farm work, was a butcher and a carpenter. In the 1930’s, while assigned to Bedford, he became aware of the need for a cook there and volunteered to take courses at a cooking school to relieve the need. Brother never went to the missions during his long life in Maryknoll. His work at the Center (1929-37, 1941-58), at Bedford (1937-41), (1958-64), Hingham (1964-70), and finally at St. Teresa’s, and his relatively poor health, seemed to prevent this. He wanted to be assigned to any mission, because it’s our vocation. Brother did his humble work, willingly and thoroughly, always carried out directions given, very dependable and reliable, very generous with his time. The phrase used by his superiors and which permeates his record is, nothing but faithfulness. When, in 1975, he requested formal retirement, the Superior General wrote to him expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Society for the many years of dedicated service as well as for the wonderful example you have given us.
On the occasion of a death in his immediate family many years ago, Brother Andy wrote to Maryknoll: “May His holy will be done always and may He be forever praised.” That was Brother Andy’s life, death and is his present destiny.
The Wake Service was at Maryknoll on September 13th. Funeral Mass was on the following morning with Fr. Joseph Meaney as Principal Celebrant. Brother Matthew Kirwan gave the homily and Fr. Eugene Toland officiated at the graveside. Burial was in Maryknoll Cemetery.