Brother Bede Dower, MM
Born: 1868
Entered: 1928
Died: March 14, 1929
George W. Dower (Brother Bede) was born in Mason, West Virginia in 1968. Before entering Maryknoll he had lived in Wheeling, West Virginia. Much of his life had been spent in farming. At one time he had been a Mississippi River steamboat pilot. He was a member of the Pittsburgh Council of the Knights of Columbus.
Brother Bede joined the Auxiliary Brothers in 1925 at the advanced age of 54. Soon after, however, he had to withdraw because of poor health. His condition improved and he returned to the community on December 31, 1928.
Accustomed to hard work from his boyhood, he was generous in the service of Maryknoll, taking a keen interest in the farms at the Center and at the Venard. He was interested in athletic events and delighted in watching baseball games. He liked to recall yarns of his steamboat and farming days. His happy, even disposition endeared him to his companions. He as a man known for being extremely thoughtful of others, and for his great devotion to his vocation.
On March 14, 1929 Brother Bede died at the Maryknoll Venard College. He was fifty-nine years old. The funeral was held at the Venard and the remains were interred in the Cathedral Cemetery in Scranton.