Brother Bernard Bobb, MM
Born: October 5, 1890
Enrolled: February 26, 1920
Died: February 25, 1921
Brother Bernard Bobb came to Maryknoll in 1919. He was born October 5, l890 in Trinidad, British West Indies. Previous to his entry into Maryknoll he had worked in Woburn Mass. where he had been putting aside no less than ten dollars a week of his earnings for the education of a missionary priest.
Brother’s two years at Maryknoll were ones of devoted service. His life there was the story of grace plentifully received and generously used. Brother had a tremendous love for our Blessed Mother which was well expressed in one of his last letters before his death. The letter revealed his aim to give himself completely to God and to the Mother who had done so much for him.
Brother died tragically in late February of 1921.
On February 27 the funeral was held in the chapel and Brother Bernard was laid to rest in the new cemetery, being the first to be interred there.