Brother Bernard Puthoff, MM
Born: October 17, 1912
Oath: November 1, 1934
Died: April 14, 1983
The fourteenth of April brought us the news that Brother Bernard had died at St. Teresa’s.
In June, 1982, Brother Bernard was hospitalized in Los Angeles after falling ill. He was transferred to St. Teresa’s residence in December, 1982.
Brother Bernard was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on October 17th, 1912, the son of John Puthoff and Josephine Pachoud. At the age of 18, he entered Maryknoll’s Auxiliary Brothers of St. Michael. On November 1, 1934 he took his Final Oath. Four years later he was assigned to our Los Angeles Japanese Mission to work with Father Hugh Lavery. Brother spent the rest of his life working at St. Francis Xavier’s for the Japanese people. In May, 1982 he was assigned to the Special Society Unit.
While in Los Angeles he did an exemplary job at the Japanese Mission. He took care of the cars and buses; he did the maintenance work and kept the compound in excellent condition, due to his many years of practical experience. On a couple of occasions Father Dietz had this to say about Brother Bernard: “Bro. Bernard is a sort of mechanical genius who can repair anything, from a watch to a motor vehicle. He has rigged up a house communication system by means of a couple of old radios and a few spare parts. He delights in such work and says he finds his happiness in it.He has a good spiritual background, is faithful to his religious duties, and at the same time devoted to his work. He is no time-server, being ready at the drop of a hat for any job that may come up. A clever mechanic, with a talent for trouble-shooting, he goes about his work with a ready willingness that is pleasant to see.”
Wake Service was held on Sunday, April 17, conducted by Father John Harrington and the biography read by Brother Bonaventure Redman. Mass of Christian Burial was on the 18th with Father James Noonan, Principal Celebrant and Homily by Father John Halbert. Burial followed with Father Thomas Kirchmyer officiating. May Brother Bernard find his eternal consolation in the Kingdom of Heaven, with all our other brothers who have gone before us.