Brother Boniface Klophaus, MM
Born: May 7, 1902
Oath: August 30, 1948
Died: January 9, 1955
Werner Kiophaus was born May 7, 1902 in Elberfeld, Germany, in the Archdiocese of Cologne. He came to the United States in 1926 and was naturalized in 1933. In 1945, while a chef at the Immaculate Conception Seminary in Darlington, N.J. he applied to become a Brother. Because of his age, 43, he was accepted as an Oblate; but he made such a good impression on those around him that an exception was made in his favor and he was permitted to realize his ardent desire to enter the Brothers, taking the name of Boniface.
He took his first temporary oath on August 30, 1948 and the Perpetual Oath on August 30, 1948. He served as chef at the Bedford Novitiate until 1954, when he was transferred to the Brothers’ Novitiate at Brookline. A willing and efficient worker, he taught the novices much about the preparation and cooking of food.
In September of 1952 Brother fell ill. His activity was somewhat curtailed and he was granted a period of relaxation. At Brookline his health problems continued, requiring hospitalization in September, November, and finally at Christmas of 1954. It was only a half hour before Midnight Mass of Christmas that he had to return to the hospital.
During his final illness, Brother Boniface was constantly preparing for the end. He was happy to receive the sacraments and whenever a priest visited his room, he would ask his blessing. Everyone remarked at his sincere, almost childlike reverence for the blessing of the priest.
The funeral Mass and burial took place at the Center on January 12, 1955.