Brother Francis M. Hutz, MM
Born: September 27, 1916
Oath: August 30, 1948
Died: October 5, 1975
Brother Francis Michael Hutz died on Sunday, October 5, 1975, at Roosevelt Veterans’ Hospital in nearby Montrose, New York.
Brother Frank was born September 27, 1916 in Detroit, Michigan. At the age of 8, Brother and his sisters and brothers were orphaned. Frank later attended Central Catholic High School where, upon graduation, he was rated as an excellent student by the Basilian Fathers. He served as a Technician in the Air Force from 1941 until 1946.
His first idea of becoming a missioner was generated by the story of Father Joseph Sweeney’s work among the lepers. Frank entered the Society in September of 1947. He worked within the Development Department for a short time and was assigned to Honolulu in 1951. Ill health, which plagued him most of his life, brought him back to the mainland. His last assignment was here at the Center, where he worked in the Mission Shipping Agency.
If it were possible to sum up Frank’s lifetime in a word, perhaps we could say that he was a man of long-suffering. Plagued with ill health, Frank was an example for many. He was a gentle, conscientious Maryknoller who leaves behind him a lifetime of suffering for the joys of eternity with Him he chose to serve.
The Vigil Service was held in the Society Chapel at Maryknoll on Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m. Mass of the Resurrection was offered on Wednesday morning at 11:45.