Brother George J. Lannen, MM
Born: August 14, 1895
Oath: September 12, 1931
Died: December 23, 1972
George J. Lannen was born on August 14, 1895 in Waterbury, Connecticut. He received his early education at parochial schools in Waterbury and Hartford and studied for a year and a half at Niagara University. He joined Maryknoll in 1920 and took his Perpetual Oath to the Society on September 12, 1931.
Brother George spent his first years as a Maryknoller at the Venard and during all his devoted service as a Brother he worked at various houses in the United States. He would have liked to work overseas but cheerfully accepted his varied assignments in the States. He was assigned to Los Angeles in 1927, to Los Altos in 1929, to Detroit in 1942, to St. Louis in November of 1942, to Brookline in 1946 and to Maryknoll, N.Y. in 1967. He took up residence at St. Teresa’s in November, 1969.
Many years ago he wrote of his decision to become a missioner: “Some time before coming I had read a copy of the Field Afar, a call for young men to be missioners. China alone had millions who never heard of Christ. It also mentioned the promise of Christ to those who would leave house, mother, lands, etc. for His name’s sake.”
Brother George died on December 23, 1972 at Phelps Memorial Hospital. A concelebrated Mass was said on December 27th, followed by burial at Maryknoll.