Brother Gregory Brennock, MM
Born: December 26, 1900
Oath: January 2, 1934
Died: May 30, 1950
John L. Brennock was born in Albany, New York on December 26, 1900. He joined Maryknoll in 1929. He was chosen to enter St. Vincent’s Hospital for nursing training in preparation for work in the missions. Upon completion of his studies in 1932 he returned to Maryknoll and entered the first Novitiate to be held there. By special permission his noviceship was shortened to enable him to assist the medical staff at the Sacred Heart Hospital in Toishan, South China.
Brother found the language did not come easily but his kindness and attention to those who came seeking aid were a language of their own and he was loved by the people.
In October of 1934 Brother was ailing and, though very reluctant to leave his mission work, he obeyed the order recalling him to the States. From November 1934 to March 1936 he was treated at the Maryknoll Sisters’ Sanatorium in Monrovia. After his recovery he was assigned as infirmarian to the Junior Seminary at Los Altos. Later he was transferred to the Venard. He worked continuously there until January of 1950 when his failing health required much needed rest and was put in Mercy Hospital in Scranton.
After some time at the hospital, Brother Gregory returned to the Venard with new vigor, anxious to go to work once more. Unfortunately, only a few month later, on Memorial Day, the infirmarian at the Venard would find Brother had died in his room.
Fr. John Elwood preached the eulogy at the Solemn Funeral Mass on June 2, 1950. The body was then buried at the Maryknoll Cemetery.