Brother Ignatius Callaghan, MM
Born: June 29, 1904
Oath: September 12, 1930
Died: October 22, 1965
James A. Callaghan was born on June 29, 1904 in Philadelphia, Pa. When he was 14 he had to leave school to work with his father in the grocery business and later he worked for Sears, Roebuck Company as a shipping clerk. He entered Maryknoll in January of 1925.
In 1927 he was assigned to the Venard and remained there until 1940 when he was transferred to the Center. He returned to the Venard in 1942 and remained there until his death.
Brother’s work was mainly with the upkeep of the Center and the Venard. It was tedious work, far from creative, often unrecognized. Although his patience must have been tried greatly, he was faithful to his duties and loyal to the Society. In the common life of the Brothers he found time to do little things for others, to make suggestions for the improvement of the seminary and tried to liven up the spirits of the community by humorous stories and jokes. He was interested in the spiritual welfare of others, being responsible for several conversions.
During his long illness due to cancer he kept up a cheerful demeanor despite the pain he was suffering and was often inquiring about the welfare of the other patients. On October 22, the good Lord accepted his offering of a humble life of service at our seminaries and more than a year of suffering as his generous contribution to Maryknoll and the work of the missions.
His body was brought from Mercy Hospital in Scranton back to his beloved Venard where he had spent so many years. His brother, Father Joseph Callaghan, S.M., celebrated the funeral Mass on October 25. In the afternoon his body was brought to the Center for burial in our cemetery.