Brother Joachim Owen, MM
Born: December 1, 1907
Oath: September 29, 1946
Died: May 9, 1966
James P. Owen was born in Chicago on December 1, 1907. The family moved to Los Angeles where Brother attended Manual arts High School. He spent some fifteen years in general maintenance and construction work. Before entering Maryknoll in October 1938, Brother Joachim had been associated with Father Hubbard, S.J., popularly known as the Glacier Priest, on some of his expeditions to Alaska. This gave him an experience with the natives of the Far North and the great need for missioners was impressed upon him.
He joined Maryknoll on October 24, 1938 and made his postulancy at Mountain View. The following year he came to Maryknoll in New York for his novitiate. In September of 1940 he was assigned to the Venard for work in the boiler room and general maintenance. He took the Final Oath of the Society on September 29, 1946. In June, 1951 he was transferred to Mountain View for general maintenance work and had been there ever since.
The funeral and burial took place at Mountain View on May 14th. Thus, after twenty-eight years of service, Brother ended his life in Maryknoll where he had begun it.