Brother Martin Barry, MM
Born: March 2, 1875
Oath: September 12, 1930
Died: July 24, 1949
Martin F. Barry was born on March 2, 1875 in Flemington, N.J. He joined Maryknoll in 1918, bringing with him a store of experience and maturity of years that were to serve him well in his mission work. Assigned in 1920 to the new Maryknoll house in Seattle, his great industry and zeal were put to good use. He was in charge of the maintenance of the nursery for Japanese children and it was his daily task to drive the bus that brought them to and from school.
After World War I, the shortage of mission vocations from Europe made itself felt in Hong Kong. The Salesians found themselves unable to staff the St. Louis Industrial School and it was turned over to Maryknoll. In 1924 the Superior General assigned Brother Martin to Hong Kong to help staff the school, which was in poor condition. Brother joined forces with the students and together they soon restored the school to good condition. He was not long in Hong Kong when he was transferred to the new mission of Kaying in answer to the request of Bishop Ford for a Brother. Because of his ability as a carpenter Brother assisted in the setting up of the new Kaying mission. He was also very helpful in constructing much of the equipment for the house and chapel at the mission in Siaoloc.
In 1929 Brother Martin was recalled to the States and reassigned to the Seattle Mission where he spent two years. From there he went to the San Juan Bautista Mission in California, which Maryknoll had taken over in 1928. He proved himself a great asset and help to Father Caffrey.
He was next assigned to the Venard where he stayed four years and was in charge of the farm. Bedford was his next mission where he answered the need for a versatile handy-man. In 1942 he returned to the Center and took up the duties in the Porter’s Lodge.
Brother Martin died on July 24, 1949. A Solemn Mass of Requiem was offered at Maryknoll on the 26th and the body was interred at Maryknoll after the Mass.