Brother Xavier Lambe, MM
Born: April 2, 1881
Oath: September 12, 1930
Died: August 2, 1956
Peter Francis Lambe was born in Fairfield, Vermont on April 2, 1881. A talk by our Co-Founder Father Price in the winter of 1916 was the occasion of his entering Maryknoll. He was then 35 years of age. Some months before, while making a mission, he had determined to become a Brother but remained undecided where to apply until he came in contact with Father Price.
Brother Xavier’s early education had been limited to five years in district school. His occupation was that of farmer and it was in this capacity that his ripe experience was put to good use for the Society, first at Maryknoll for two years, then at the Venard for nine and again at the Center beginning in 1928.
When, in later years, Brother’s health began to fail, he rendered valuable service to the Field Afar by taking care of the address stencils. Brother seldom availed himself of the vacation periods due him. Always meek and humble of heart, he adapted himself well to the community life and set a fine example of personal holiness to all associated with him.
In the years previous to his death, Brother Xavier’s health had declined. He passed away very quietly, just before Fathers David Walsh and Thomas Malone arrived to recite the prayers for the dying. Brother had been anointed the day before, however. He was seventy-five years of age and was third in seniority among the Brothers.
The Solemn Funeral Mass was celebrated at the Center on August 4. The sermon was preached by Fr. Robert Sheridan, Novice Master of the Auxiliaries, who was at the Center as one of the delegates chosen by the Brothers to represent them at the General Chapter.