Father Arthur J. Rosinski, MM
Born: December 8, 1927
Ordained: June 9, 1962
Died: August 27, 1982
With sadness I bring you the news of the death of Father Arthur Rosinski, M.M.
“I exult for joy in the Lord, my soul rejoices in my God, for He has clothed me in the garment of salvation and robed me in the cloak of justice, like a bride adorned with her jewels.” (Is. 61, 10)
Fr. Arthur John Rosinski was born on December 8, 1927. He was indeed a true son of Mary and his entire life reflects the words of the above Entrance Prayer for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. He was very proud to have been clothed with the garment of salvation which, for him, was his priestly consecration that identified him with the many favors that Christ had granted to him. Father Art had written: ‘The priesthood allows me to be the greatest me, doing the greatest things. To be alive is to have everything.”
His father, Joseph, was born in Poland and his mother, Lucy, was from Lithuania. They lived in Chicago and gave young Arthur an opportunity to have a good education. He joined the Armed Forces in 1950, served in Korea and left with an Honorable Discharge in 1952 as a Corporal and with two distinguished honors: the Korean Service Medal and the United Nations Service Medal.
Inspired by the Korean people and his own constant and persistent desire to help people spiritually and physically, he entered the Venard in 1953. When he was ordained in June, 1962, he was numbered among 38 young men to be ordained for Maryknoll that year. Not long afterwards he found himself on a ship leaving for Korea, which has been his only mission assignment. The only difficulty Art had in choosing a priestly career was overcoming a fear that he was not good enough, spiritually, to be a competent minister of God. Later events in his life proved that he was a master in understanding what type of spiritual life the Good Lord had chosen for him. He could easily reflect in his own physical sickness and in his own priestly life these words of St. Paul: ‘Praised be the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who has bestowed on us in Christ every spiritual blessing in the heavens. God chose us in Him before the world began, to be holy and blameless in His sight; to be full of love; likewise He predestined us through Christ to be His adopted sons…that all might praise the divine favor He has bestowed on us in His Beloved.’ (Ephes. l:-3-6)
Father Art was people-centered and had a great respect and love for the Korean people. He once said: “I do believe I am people-centered. It comes from my idea of service.” And he is also quoted as saying: “People occupy me completely. The person I am with is the most important one at that moment. I do not look for more, or ask for more than what is being given by the other person. I rarely get lonely. If anything, I am hardly ever alone.” It was this love and dedication that made him especially sensitive to those inflicted with blindness.
In recognition of his work for blind children in Korea Father Rosinski was awarded the Mogryeon Medal in 1982 in ceremonies marking National Childrens’ Day. The citation reads:
In recognition of and appreciation for his outstanding and meritorious service rendered to the Republic of Korea, I take great pleasure in awarding, in accordance with the powers delegated to me by the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, the Order of Civil Merit, Mogryeon Medal to Rev. Arthur J. Rosinski, United States of America. (Pres. Chun Du Whan)
The award was presented by the Minister of Health and Social Affairs. This is the magnolia medal and rather infrequently given.
He returned to the States in 1980 due to sickness. However, after medical treatment, he was able to return to Korea. It was not an easy decision, but he was permitted to return in early 1982 because of his deep desire to spend his remaining time in his beloved mission of Korea.
Word reached Maryknoll on Aug. 25th that Art was critically ill. He died on the 27th. He had the distinction of having nine classmates with him at the time of his death. They had come to Korea to celebrate the 20th anniversary of their ordination. Father Arthur was buried on August 30th in the Parish of Chung Ju. Fr. Gerry Hammond, representing the Bishop, was Principal Celebrant; Fr. Thomas Egan, Regional Superior, was Homilist and Fr. John Tynan read the biography. A Mass of Christian Death was celebrated at Maryknoll on the 30th of August with Fr. Victor Schymeinsky as Main Celebrant,and Fr. Patrick Bergin as Homilist. Both were classmates of Fr. Rosinski. Father John Corcoran read the Biography.
We sincerely hope and pray that Father Art is now robed in the cloak of justice and that his fine example of priestly mission dedication will be an inspiration to all of us.