Father Edward E. Richardson, MM
Born: December 5, 1931
Ordained: June 14, 1958
Died: December 21, 1973
Edward E. Richardson was born on December 5, 1931. He attended St. Constance Parochial School in Chicago, went for a half year to Quigley Preparatory Seminary there and then entered Maryknoll at Los Altos in 1945. He was ordained June 14, 1958 and assigned to Korea. Father Richardson was involved in a variety of works in Korea. In the Diocese of Cheong Ju he was director of an orphanage, taught in one of the local schools and was pastor of one of the most remote rural parishes in the Diocese. In 1967, because of his outstanding ability in youth work, he was assigned as spiritual counsellor at the Regional Seminary in Kwang Ju. A few years later he was transferred to do similar work plus a teaching schedule at the Se Kwang University, run by the Jesuits and one of the finest schools in Korea.
Father Richardson was a man of exceptional ability, especially with young people. On the surface he appeared a very quiet man but this hid a real devotion to the people he served. A deeply spiritual man, he was sought after for advice by other Maryknollers. His special rapport with youth was visible in his relations with seminarians. While teaching at Se Kang University he lived at the Maryknoll Society House in Seoul and his room was constantly filled with visiting seminarians. In his life Father Richardson was always an exemplary Maryknoller.
The funeral was held in Seoul on December 26, and the burial took place in Seoul. At Maryknoll Chapel in New York a mass was celebrated on the 28th.