Father Edward J. Halloran, MM
Born: September 28, 1898
Ordained: June 19, 1927
Died: January 12, 1968
Father Edward J. Halloran was born in Buffalo, N.Y. on September 28, 1898. He attended Canisius High School. He served in the U. S. Army in 1918 and in 1919 he applied to enter Maryknoll. After two years at the Venard he came to the Center and was ordained on June 19, 1927.
Assigned to Peng Yang, Korea, he remained there until 1935 when he was assigned to Hawaii to take care of the Korean work there, living for a while at Sacred Heart Rectory.
He was recalled to the States in 1953 and went to our house in Buffalo. In 1955 he was assigned to help out in the Diocese of Raleigh, N .0. and became chaplain of the Mercy Hospital there. In 1961 he was assigned to help at the Sacred Heart Parish in Dayton, Ohio.
His health began to fail in 1963 and he was sent to Mountain View. Two years later he was sent to St. John of God Hospital, and finally to the Maryknoll Hospital in Monrovia, California.
Father Halloran died January 12, 1968 in the Monrovia Hospital from a number of complications of his illness.
The funeral Mass was celebrated at Mountain View and he was buried there on January 15, 1968. At Maryknoll a Mass was offered on the same day at which Fr. Silvio Gilbert, a classmate, was principal celebrant.