Father Eugene F. Simon, MM
Born: October 7, 1919
Ordained: June 12, 1948
Died: October 4, 1970
Eugene F. Simon was born on October 7, 1919 in Archbald, Pennsylvania He attended public and parochial schools in that city and entered the Venard in 1938.
He was ordained on June 12, 1948. For twelve years after that he worked in various Development houses of the United states. He was stationed at Bedford, New York City, Chicago, the Venard and Los Angeles.
In 1961 he was delighted to receive a mission assignment to the Philippines. Reports from his superiors there indicate that he had great difficulty in learning the native dialect of Visayan but that his good humor and general affability helped him greatly in dealing with the people. He was described also as a good zealous missioner, completely dedicated to his mission work and the people among whom he worked.
Father Simon died at St. Teresa’s Residence on October 4, 1970. He had been ill for a long time, and wished to be allowed to die at St. Teresa’s and not in a hospital.
On October 7, his fifty-first birthday, a con celebrated mass was said at the Center. Fr. William Bergan was principal celebrant and a classmate, Fr. Jerry Brennan, preached the homily. Burial followed in our cemetery.