Father Francis T. Donnelly, MM
Born: December 26, 1903
Ordained: June 17, 1928
Died: June 3, 1955
Francis T. Donnelly was born on December 26, 1903 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He attended Our Mother of Sorrows parochial school and West Philadelphia Catholic High School graduating from the latter in 1921. He entered Maryknoll in September of the same year and was ordained to the priesthood on June 17, 1928.
He was then assigned to Kaying where, in 1934, he was named Rector of the minor seminary. After his decennial in 1938 Father Frank returned to Kaying until 1945 when he was recalled on sick leave. The following year he took over as Assistant Spiritual Director at the major seminary. After a course of special studies he was assigned successively to the teaching staffs at Lakewood and the Venard. Father Donnelly had received his M.A.degree in Latin from Villanova.
On June 3, 1955 that Father fell ill and made his Confession and was anointed. He quietly expired about 9:15 p.m
The Solemn Funeral Mass for Fr. Donnelly was celebrated at the Venard on Monday, June 6. The eulogy was preached by Fr. Austin Hannon, who had been closely associated with Father Frank for many years. After the Mass at the Venard, the body was brought to Maryknoll for interment.