Father Frederick P. Walker, MM
Born: September 15, 1914
Ordained: June 21, 1942
Died: February 3, 1960
Father Frederick P. Walker was born in East Boston, Massachusetts, on September 15th, 1914. He was graduated from the Sacred Heart Parish grammar school in 1929 and spent one year at Boston Latin School.
In September, 1930 he entered the Venard where he proved to be a very good student and athlete. He was a member of the band and the schola. On June 21, 1942 he was ordained and assigned to Bolivia. In 1946 he had to return to the States due to health concerns. He was assigned for one year to Mountain View as Procurator and here he responded to the mild climate so that he was able to accept an assignment to Chile.
In 1956 he was elected a Delegate to the General Chapter. Health concerns arose again in 1958, and Father Walker was granted permission to accompany some Chilean students to the United States that July. He was then assigned to the Cultivation Department to help prepare bibliographies on Latin America for Catholic schools and colleges.
Early in January of this year Father Walker fell ill again and as his condition was serious he received the last anointing. He received treatment at the New England Baptist Hospital in Boston and died shortly afterwards on February 3rd.
The funeral and burial took place at Maryknoll on Saturday, February 6, 1960.