Father G. Frederick Heinzmann, MM
Born: June 17, 1904
Ordination: September 24, 1933
Died: July 22, 1969
G. Frederick Heinzmann was born on June 17, 1904 in Union City, N.J. He received his early education at Holy Family Catholic School and Union Hill Public School. He entered the Venard in 1925 and was ordained September 24, 1933.
He was sent to Rome after ordination for special studies. In 1938 he was assigned to the major seminary faculty and in 1941 was appointed Vice-Rector, a post he held for two terms.
In 1946 he was appointed Procurator General of the Society in Rome, a position he held for three terms. In 1960 he was named Editor-in-Chief of Agenzia Fides in Rome. He had to retire from this position in 1968 because of age and sickness.
Father Heinzmann died on July 22, 1969 in the sacristy of his brother’s parish church in Union City. He apparently had suffered a heart attack after saying a parish Mass.
On July 26th a funeral Mass was said at Maryknoll. Bishop Comber was the celebrant and Fr. John McCormack preached the homily.