Father George H. Flick, MM
Born: July 19, 1908
Ordained: June 16, 1935
Died: July 31, 1972
George H. Flick was born on July 19, 1908 in Oswego, New York. He attended St. Mary’s Parochial School and the Oswego Public High School. After high school he entered St. Michael’s College in Toronto, Canada. After two years there he entered Maryknoll in 1929.
Ordained on June 16, 1935, he was assigned to Fushun. In August, 1942 he returned aboard the Gripsholm and was granted a furlough. For three years he worked in the Diocese of St. Augustine, Florida, and was then assigned to Bedford.
He returned to Manchuria in 1947 and became Procurator at the seminary in Fushun. In 1947, when the Fushun Mission had to be abandoned, Father Flick was assigned to Kweilin Prefecture. In August, 1950 he was transferred to Hawaii and in August, 1959 named Second Consultor to the Regional Superior.
Due to a deterioration in health Father was assigned to Mountain View in 1965 and took up residence at St. Teresa’s in 1968.
On July 29th Father was taken to Phelps Memorial Hospital where he died on the 31st. A concelebrated Mass was said at Maryknoll with Fr. John McCormack as celebrant. Fr. John Martin gave the homily.