Father James A. McCormick, MM
Born: February 9, 1906
Ordained: February 1, 1931
Died: August 10, 1974
James A. McCormick died at St. Teresa’s Residence on Saturday morning, August 10. During the many months of his illness Father McCormick was a model patient. He provided all who came in contact with him an example of cheerful and complete resignation to God’s will. The suffering and discomfort of several operations and medical treatments he accepted as part of his preparation for eternity.
James Albert McCormick was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania on February 9, 1906. At an early age he expressed a desire to be a missioner. He entered the Venard in September of 1921 after having completed two years of high school in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He was ordained February 1, 1931 and entered upon a very active apostolate.
His first assignment was to Kaying, South China. In 1940 he joined the Development Department where he filled several important positions. He returned to Kaying in 1945. In 1951 he began work once again in the Development Department. In April of 1954 he returned to Taiwan where he labored until returning to the United States for vacation and to receive medical treatment in August of 1973.
The wake and funeral were held at Maryknoll in conjunction with the wake and funeral of Father George Haggerty.