Father John J. Higgins, MM
Born: August 7, 1925
Ordained: June 14, 1952
Died: September 26, 1967
John J. Higgins was born on August 7, 1925 in Nashville, Tennessee. He received his early education locally and also had two years in Peabody Teacher’s College in Nashville. He came to Maryknoll in August of 1945.
Father was ordained to the priesthood on June 14, 1952 and was then assigned to Bolivia where he worked as an outstanding missioner for fifteen years until his return to the United States on account of health.
It was in August of 1967 that Father Higgins returned on sick leave. He died on Tuesday, September 26, 1967 in St. Thomas’ Hospital, Nashville.
Father General celebrated the funeral Mass in the Cathedral of the Incarnation, Nashville, on September 29 and burial took place in the family plot in Nashville. At the Center a concelebrated Mass was said in presence of the community on the same day.