Father Joseph A. Sweeney, MM
Born: September 4, 1895
Ordained: February 8, 1920
Died: November 27, 1966
Joseph A. Sweeney was born in New Britain, Connecticut on September 4, 1895. After attending grammar school at St. Mary’s Parish there he went to St. Thomas Preparatory Seminary at Hartford and then to St. Mary’s in Baltimore for one year. He entered Maryknoll in 1915 and was ordained on February 8, 1920.
He was assigned to the Venard faculty and then to the San Francisco Procure. In 1921 he was assigned to China. He was transferred to Korea in 1924 and in 1927 to Fushun, Manchuria. In 1932 he went to Kongmoon for leper work. He was interned by the Communists, released by them in 1953 and returned to the United States. In 1955 he again took up his beloved leper work in Korea.
Father Sweeney died November 27, 1966 in St. Mary’s Hospital, Seoul, Korea. He had been in the hospital for about a month. Father Gervis Coxen was able to attend him in his last hours.
A Solemn Mass of Requiem was concelebrated on November 29 at Maryknoll, N.Y. Bishop Comber was the principal celebrant.