Father Joseph P. Lavin, MM
Born: January 12, 1907
Ordained: June 5, 1932
Died: January 28, 1971
Father Joseph P. Lavin was born in Woburn, Massachusetts, on January 12, 1907. He received his early education in the public school system of Framingham and was graduated from Framingham High School in 1924.
He entered the Venard in September of that year. Ordained on June 5, 1932, he was assigned to Kongmoon Mission in South China. He was taken by the Communists but released in 1953.
In 1954 Father Lavin was assigned to Hawaii and returned to the mainland in 1956 where he did promotion work in several of our houses. In 1959 he was assigned to the Transfiguration Parish in New York City, leaving there in 1963 to go to the Chicago Chinese Mission.
In 1965 he was granted permission to live at home with his brother and sister. Father Lavin died on January 28, 1971 at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Boston, after a long illness.
A funeral Mass was offered in St. Stephen’s Church, Framingham on February 1 and burial followed in the family plot at St. Stephen’s Cemetery.