Father Joseph V. Flynn, MM
Born: July 22, 1917
Ordained: June 11, 1944
Died: October 3, 1969
Joseph V. Flynn was born on July 22, 1917 in Cleveland, Ohio. He received his early education at Catholic schools in Cleveland and entered Maryknoll in September of 1935. He was ordained June 11, 1944.
He was assigned to the Pando, Bolivia where he worked until returning last July for home leave.
Father Flynn was taking a Pastoral Counseling course in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. After concelebrating Mass with some fellow Maryknollers on Friday, October 3, 1969, he fell ill and died at the Lowell Hospital.
The funeral Mass was celebrated in St. Luke’s Church, Cleveland. Fr. Richard Allen, a classmate, delivered the homily. Mass was offered at Maryknoll on the 8th and burial followed in our cemetery.