Father Raymond L. Hanrahan, MM
Born: May 11, 1908
Ordained: June 14, 1938
Died: November 23, 1958
Raymond L. Hanrahan was born in the Riverdale section of New York City on May 11, 1908. He attended St. Mary’s School in Yonkers and then went on to LaSalle Military Academy. After graduating from there he attended Manhattan College. In September of 1931 he entered Maryknoll and was ordained on June 14, 1938.
His first assignment was to Kaying in South China. After a year in the language school at Stanley he journeyed overland through dangerous terrain to his first mission, Chungsin. He never became very fluent in the language. However, his genial and friendly manner, punctuated with a hearty laugh, usually at one of his own mistakes, endeared him to the people.
In 1946 he was granted a furlough and later was assigned to Hawaii. He returned to the States in 1950 and was stationed at Bedford where he helped out in nearby parishes. In 1957 he was assigned to the Center and continued from here to help out in various parishes.
Father Hanrahan had been ill for several years and in 1957 he underwent a serious operation. He died in his sleep on November 23, 1958 in Miami Springs, Florida at the rectory of the Blessed Trinity parish where he was helping out.
A Solemn Mass of Requiem was offered at Maryknoll on November 26, followed by burial in God’s Acre.