Father Richard S. McMonigal, MM
Born: April 12, 1918
Ordained: June 10, 1945
Died: March 8, 1957
Father Richard S. McMonigal was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on April 12, 1918. In 1939, after six years at Nazareth Hall Preparatory Seminary in St. Paul, he entered the Venard.
After his ordination on June 10, 1945, he was assigned to higher studies, gaining his M.A. in History at the Catholic University. He was assigned to the faculty at Los Altos and in 1947 was appointed Vice-Rector.
When Glen Ellyn was opened in 1949, Father Richard was assigned there as Prefect of Discipline and professor of History. In 1951 he received his assignment to the Pando Vicariate in Bolivia. From the very beginning of his work in this 1500-mile riverside parish, he sent back humorous stories which featured the lighter side of mission life.
In April of 1953 he fell ill and returned to the States to receive treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He soon recovered and after several months of promotion work he was allowed to return to Bolivia.
Although he seemed to have recovered fully from his illness, several years later Father McGonigal again fell ill and returned home to the United States in 1957 for medical treatment. Father McGonigal died on March 8th, 1957 after being anointed by the hospital chaplain.
The funeral and burial were held at Glen Ellyn on March 12, 1957.