Father Stephen V. Hannon, MM
Born: August 31, 1901
Ordained: June 19, 1927
Died: November 3, 1965
Stephen V. Hannon was born in New York City on August 31, 1901. After two years at Regis High School he entered the Venard in October, 1918. He contributed much to the seminary by the warmth of his personality and his irrepressible good humor. He was ordained on June 19, 1927 and assigned to Korea.
He was appointed first as an assistant at Chinnampo and then made pastor of Hiken. In August, 1935 he came home on an anticipated furlough for reasons of health. The following year he was able to return to Korea, working at Un Hyangsi. In August of 1938 he was granted, at his own request, a special leave of absence, returning to the States by way of Rome. For a time he assisted Fr. Robert Sheridan with promotion work in Detroit but the following year he was back in Korea. He was recalled to the States for medical treatment again in early 1941. When World War II broke out Father Steve received permission to apply to the Navy as a chaplain. He was accepted and commissioned in March, 1942, serving in various areas until August, 1946 when he was discharged as a Commander.
For a time he served as a chaplain at the Veterans’ Hospital in Livermore, Cal. and later in Memphis, Tenn. In 1947 he resigned from this chaplaincy in order to teach History at Lakewood. His previous condition revived, which left him sick for a few months. As he recovered he was assigned to the Center and helped out in various parishes.
In 1956 Father Steve was again back in Korea to join Fr. Joe Sweeney in his leper work. He also acted as assistant at the Chang Ho Wan parish until January, 1960 when he was again recalled to the States because of continuing poor health. He was attached to the Center until May, 1962. He spent August at the Monrovia Hospital for more medical treatment. From here he went to Mountain View where he resided until July, 1965 when he became increasingly more ill. He came East to enter the Veterans’ Hospital in the Bronx for treatment. In the middle of September he returned to Maryknoll for additional treatment. However, his illness was worsening. His condition rapidly deteriorated and it was necessary to transfer him to Phelps Memorial Hospital on November 2nd. The following day he went to his reward. Burial was at Maryknoll.