Father Thomas S. Langley, MM
Born: October 2, 1904
Ordained: June 16, 1937
Died: December 21, 1970
Thomas S. Langley was born on October 2, 1904 in Caribou, Maine. When he was thirteen his family moved to Framingham, Massachusetts, where he was instructed and brought into the Catholic faith by an old friend of Maryknoll, Father Thomas Garrahan. He attended public schools before entering the Venard in 1926.
He was ordained on June 16, 1937 by Bishop James E. Walsh and assigned to Wuchow where he faithfully fulfilled his mission work until 1951, at which time he was jailed by the Communists. Released in 1952, he returned to the United States and for three years did promotion work in Chicago and Detroit.
Before being assigned to Hawaii in 1955, he worked as chaplain to Thule Air Base in Greenland. From 1955 until his return in 1969 on sick leave he did parochial work in Hawaii.
Father Langley died at St. Teresa’s on December 21, 1970. He had resided in Mountain View until about a month before his death, when his condition worsened and he was brought to St. Teresa’s.
On December 23 he was buried at Maryknoll after a concelebrated Mass at which Father General was principal celebrant and Father John Joyce, Regional Superior of Hawaii, preached the homily.