Father Vincent A. Cunningham, MM
Born: November 21, 1920
Ordained: June 12, 1948
Died: March 11, 1967
Vincent A. Cunningham was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania on November 21, 1920. After graduation from St. Thomas’ High School in Scranton, he entered the Venard in 1939.
Ordained on June 12, 1948, he was assigned to Peru to work in the high Altiplano of Puno. He had a great love for the Indians among whom he worked for the most part and learned the Quechua language in addition to the Spanish which was the official language of the country. This mission was the center of his mission work except for a brief assignment to Mexico in 1961. Health forced him to return to the United States after that and in 1964 he did promotion work in various places, also helping out at various parishes.
His illness continued until he died on March 11, 1967.
A concelebrated Mass of Requiem was offered on the 14th at Maryknoll and interment was in the cemetery here.