Father William P. Mulcahy, MM
Born: May 25, 1903
Ordained: January 27, 1929
Died: October 25, 1972
William P. Mulcahy was born on May 25, 1903 in Framingham, Massachusetts. His early education was in Framingham and Boston College High School. He entered the Venard in 1920 and was ordained on January 27, 1929.
Father Mulcahy was assigned to Wuchow and in 1932 he was in charge of the language school at Jungyuen. In 1935 he became Vicar Delegate of Wuchow. He was the Wuchow deputy for the 1946 General Chapter. In the following years he held various responsible positions in the United States and the Orient. He was appointed liaison officer to handle matters with NCWC and other relief organizations. In 1947 he was Procurator in Shanghai.
Returning to Wuchow in 1948 he was appointed first Consultor to the Regional Superior. In 1951 he became Procurator in Hong Kong and was in charge of refugee work there. In 1953 he was named Local Superior in Hong Kong and in 1959 acted as Civilian Auxiliary Chaplain to care for U.S. Catholic military personnel in Hong Kong. In 1961 he was appointed pastor of Transfiguration Church in New York City and in 1967 was a curate of the Chicago Chinese Parish.
Father Mulcahy died in a Chicago hospital. A funeral Mass was said at Maryknoll on the 31st and burial was in the Maryknoll cemetery. Fr. John McCormack was celebrant and Bishop Frederick Donaghy gave the homily.