Sister Aloysia Menne, MM
Born: November 26, 1890
Entered: January 6, 1922
Died: August 31, 1973
This morning at Bethany we celebrated the Eucharist of the Resurrection for our Sister Aloysia who died in Phelps Hospital at 2:15 A.M. Friday morning, August 31.
Fathers John F. Walsh and Joseph English concelebrated the Eucharist and six Maryknoll Fathers were pallbearers for Sister Aloysia. Sisters from Bethany and the Center joined in song to praise the gift of Sister Aloysia’s life in Maryknoll. On Friday evening the Office of the Resurrection was said for Sister Aloysia at both Bethany and the Center.
Ida Marie Menne was born on November 26, 1890 in White Bear Lake, Minnesota, the daughter of Joseph T. and Helena Menne. She had one brother and four sisters.
Ida Marie attended a rural school in Woodlawn, Washington and St. Agnes Academy in Stockton, California from 1899 to 1907. In 1921 she applied to enter the Maryknoll Sisters after hearing Father Joseph A. Sweeney speak about Maryknoll missioners.
She spent her postulancy at the Venard, and made her Final Vows at Maryknoll on St. Dominic’s Day, 1927, and in 1929 Sister Aloysia was assigned to work in Seattle. From there she went to Mountain View, California in 1944 where she did sewing and housekeeping for the Maryknoll Fathers Junior Seminary for 17 years. In 1949 and 1959 she returned to Maryknoll on Decennial and in 1961 Sister Aloysia was assigned to Bethany where she again contributed to sewing needs of the community.