Sister Jean Maloney, MM

Born: January 16, 1930
Entered: September 6, 1950
Died: November 28, 2024

“I want to give everything to God and be a small part in the salvation of others”.

Our beloved sister, Jean Maloney, began her life in Maryknoll with these words and lived in this spirit all her Missionary life. Jean began her eternal life on Thanksgiving Day, November 28, 2024, at 9:03 pm in our Maryknoll Residential Home Care. She was 94 years old and a Maryknoll Sister for 74 years.

Jean was born in Syracuse, New York, to Michael and Elizabeth David Maloney, on January 16, 1930, together with her twin sister, Joan, who has pre-deceased her. Her father died when the twins were three years old, and her mother later remarried “Pop” Hotchkiss, who became a loving father to them. She attended Cathedral Academy and St. Joseph’s School of Nursing in Syracuse, New York, graduating as a Registered Nurse.

Jean entered Maryknoll on September 6, 1950, just nine weeks after the beginning of the Korean War, the country which was to become so much a part of her life. After her First Profession on March 7, 1953, she was assigned to South Korea where she became a trailblazer in many ministries.

Jean’s first mission in Pusan was ministering to the thousands of refugees who flooded the Port city, sick and homeless, during the three years of war. In 1956, she moved on to begin a new clinic in Cheong Pyeong in the rural center of the country. In 1966, she continued her nursing ministry in a second clinic begun on the historical island of Kang Hwa off the northwestern coast. In addition to her nursing activities, Jean was active in the pastoral ministries of teaching religious education, the Legion of Mary & the JOC (Young Christian workers).

By 1973 in Korea, amid its own Industrial Revolution under the military leadership in the government, working conditions were unsafe and abusive. To respond to this need, Jean and Sister Mary Lou Herlihy joined a group of women factory workers who wished to live in community and devote their lives to God in the Labor Ministry. This led to Cardinal Kim’s invitation to the Prado Sisters from France to come to Korea (they known as the Worker Sisters). Several of the Korean women joined this community and continued working in factories and domestic work.

In 1976, Sr. Jean came home to New York and was asked to serve on the Congregational Orientation Team until 1979.

When she returned to Korea in 1980, Jean served on various committees working for Justice and Peace. This led her to become aware of the life of women in the sex industry and the establishment of Magdalena House, a shelter for women trying to move out of the life. Jean continued in this work for seventeen years after which she turned over the direction of this ministry to her coworker Ms. Consecrata Lee. She then completed her bachelor’s degree from Maryland University and her Masters in Creation Spirituality at Naropa University in Oakland, California.

On June 18, 1994, Jean Maloney received a “Gratitude Plaque” from the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs in Korea. The plaque noted that “since Sr. Jean Maloney arrived in Korea in 1954, she has given comfort and courage for life to the poor and alienated people for 40 years, especially giving service with devotion and self-sacrifice to unfortunate women.”

In 2007, Sr. Jean again served on the Congregational Orientation Team until 2009.

The new millennium unfolded with Jean’s involvement in educational programs and committee participation in Justice & Peace and North/South Reconciliation groups; during this time, she was able to visit North Korea.

Jean loved Korea and the Korean people so much that she hoped to die and be buried there. However, a series of slight strokes led her to return to the Center and to let go of her desire to be buried in Korea. When she signed her paper to transfer to the Chi Rho community in 2022, she wrote:

“Mission is a total way of Life. Wherever I am is Mission. It is my life, my love, to show forth God’s love and care for all”.

Needing increased support, Jean transferred to the Eden Community in 2023. Jean, you are now enjoying the fullness of Life in God’s loving embrace.  May you rest in peace.

We welcome Father Russell Feldmeier, MM, who will preside at this Mass of Christian Burial.