Sister Joseph Marian Mahoney, MM
Born: March 19, 1906
Entered: December 7, 1933
Died: July 26, 1957
Sister Joseph Marian died at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in New York City, after a short illness on July 26, 1957. Members of her family were present at the time of her death.
Harriet J. Mahoney was born to Jeremiah Francis Mahoney and Julia Lawlor in New York City on March 19, 1906. She had three brothers and one sister. She graduated from St. Monica grammar school and Dominican Academy. After graduation she was a secretary for 8 years before entering Maryknoll.
Sister entered Maryknoll in 1933 and was professed in 1936 taking the name Sister Joseph Marian. She was assigned to the China mission in Tungshek in 1936 and eventually went to to her mission in mainland China, 1937 to Kaying, 1938 to Pet Teou Tsai, returning to Kaying in 1939.
Sister returned to the Motherhouse in Ossining in 1939 and worked in the Field Afar office in the Multigraph Department. The Fathers in the magazine office said of her that she was an “example to us all. She continued to work with such zeal, devotion and intelligence.”
The magazine found her services in the multigraph department invaluable and that she would be impossible to replace. Experts in the field of commercial multilith and multigraph work told the Fathers repeatedly that they knew no one who could match Sister Joseph Marian’s work and artistry.
Sister Joseph Marian had a fine sense of humor and lost none of it during her last days. She edified all with the patient endurance of her suffering. She was to the end very considerate of the comfort and convenience of others and delicately appreciate of the least service. Sister knew she was very ill but had much confidence in the prayers that were being offered for her. She seemed quite ready to go to God.
The funeral Mass will be on Monday morning in the new St. Teresa’s Chapel.