Sister M. Anita Fritz, MM
Born: October 1, 1910
Entered: October 15, 1929
Died: July 5, 1962
Since word went out to you last week through the Motherhouse News of the illness of Sr. Mary Anita, the news that she has gone to God will not come as too great a surprise.
Sister Mary Anita, Anna Fritz, was born in Frank, Ohio, on October 1, 1910. She is one of seventeen children.
She entered Maryknoll on October 14, 1929, and made her first Profession on January 6, 1932. Sister’s first assignment in May of the same year was to take care of the house at our House of Studies in Washington, DC. In September 1932 Sister went to Bethany and in 1938 to Mountain View. In 1944 Sister was assigned to the East again, this time to be in charge of the College kitchen at the Venard. In 1947 Sister was assigned once more to Bethany and in 1953 to Ladycrest Novitiate, Topsfield, MA. After four years in charge of the kitchen at Ladycrest, Sister went to St. Anthony’s Convent in the Bronx, in charge of the Convent kitchen. Sister was very much interested in the people at St. Anthony’s and took her turn on yard duty with the children. She was interested in studying Spanish so that she could be of more service to the Puerto Rican children. During the year 1959-1960, Sister took the special course in Spanish on Saturdays at Cardinal Hayes High, and was one of the Sisters chosen to go to Puerto Rico in the summer of 1960, for the intensive Spanish course. Sister wrote happily from Puerto Rico describing her new experiences and telling us how much she enjoyed the work.
Although Sister’s health was frail for many years, she was a devoted worker and a conscientious religious. She will be greatly missed.
Sister Mary Anita’s body will be brought here to the Motherhouse for the wake and the Funeral Mass will be sung here on Saturday, July 7. There will also be a Requiem Mass for Sister at St. Anthony’s in the Bronx.