Sister M. Chaminade Dreisoerner, MM
Born: August 22, 1907
Entered: October 28, 1926
Died: April 12, 1958
This morning after long months of patient suffering in our Bethany infirmary, Sister Mary Chaminade quietly passed away.
Sister Chaminade (Margaret Dreisoerner) was born in Quincy, Illinois, August 22, 1907. She entered Maryknoll in 1926 after completing one year at Fontbonne College.
While Sister’s health was never robust, she was always happily content in putting her many talents to the best use wherever and however God had need of them, Sister’s charity and delightful sense of humor made no small contributions to the spirit of the convents to which she was assigned – Motherhouse, Crichton, Bethany – nor can any measure be made of the extent of her influence in spreading the missionary concept through the educational projects on which she and Sister Juliana have worked so faithfully over the past years.
This quiet apostolate of pen and paint brush has had far reaching effects. The Sisters who returned yesterday from the annual National Catholic Education Association convention brought reports of many expressions of sincere sorrow over Sister’s illness evidenced by publishers and educators who knew her work, God permitted Sister the consolation of seeing some small part of the fruit of her efforts in the testimonials from parents and teachers and children who used and appreciated her projects.
In June, 1956, Sister Chaminade learned that she was ill. Sister embraced this new evidence of God’s will with characteristic simplicity and generosity as she quietly turned over her work to others and lovingly accepted the apostolate of suffering which has been hers these past months.
Sister’s kindly interest in others never diminished. Two days ago she had the joy of welcoming to Bethany Sister Henrietta, whose frail health had been a matter of great concern to Sister Chaminade.
Throughout Thursday night her condition deteriorated. Early Friday morning the Sisters gathered to sing the Salve and recite the prayers for the dying. Father Considine, who had again anointed Sister a few days previously, kindly came and led the prayers. This morning about 9:15, as the litany was being recited, the end came quietly.
The funeral which will take place Tuesday morning at Bethany.
May our suffrages for dear Sister Chaminade hasten her entry into the full enjoyment of a heavenly Eastertide.