Sister M. Clare Miltenberger, MM
Born: October 6, 1882
Entered: February 1, 1920
Died: February 7, 1946
Sister Mary Clare Miltenberger of Maryknoll died here at 2:45 this afternoon, February 7, at the Maryknoll Sisters’ Motherhouse.
Sister Clare, the former Miss Gertrude V. Miltenberger, was a native of Knobley, West Virginia. She attended the public school there for three years, then transferred to St. Patrick’s School, Cumberland, Maryland, from which she was graduated. She was a graduate too, of St. Patrick’s High School. Sister Clare also held credits for extension courses at Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Villanova College, Los Angeles, California.
Before joining the Maryknoll Sisters in 1920, Sister Clare was employed as a high school teacher, and in secretarial work in Cumberland, Md. She did considerable writing for publication.
In Pittsburgh, Sister Clare originated the famed Maria Mission Circles, and as General secretary conducted them for seven years under diocesan mission authorities.
In 1921, after making first profession of religious vows as a member of the Foreign Mission Sisters of St. Dominic – more popularly known as the Maryknoll Sisters – Sister Clare was assigned to teaching in the Maryknoll School for Orientals in Los Angeles, California
In 1930 she was appointed Superior of the convent in Heeia, T. H. At the expiration of her term of office she was transferred to teach at another Maryknoll school in Wailuku on the Island of Maui. In 1937 she was recalled for special work at the Motherhouse, continuing on active duty up to last October.
A Solemn High Mass of Requiem at nine-thirty Saturday morning, February 9th, will precede the burial of St. Clare’s remains in Maryknoll Cemetery.