Sister Marianna Akashi, MM
Born: September 25, 1899
Entered: June 13, 1921
Died: December 29, 1944
Before entering Maryknoll in 1921, Sister had been a Trappistine in Hokadote, Japan, and also, a member of Fr. Breton’s Japanese Community. When the work this Community was doing in Los Angeles was taken over by the Maryknoll Sisters, Sr. Marianna did not return to Japan with them. Instead she became a Maryknoll Sister.
She entered Maryknoll on June 13, 1921, and was professed on the same day. She had her final profession on August 4, 1925.
Sister died at the Motherhouse on December 29, 1944.
In 1923 the California Department of Education issued Sr. Marianna a certificate to teach in Japanese schools.
Sister spent many of her years as a Maryknoller in the Japanese missions of Los Angeles and Seattle, where her language and teaching ability were invaluable in the mission schools and nurseries.
In 1942 Sister was transferred to the Maryknoll Motherhouse where she underwent surgery in September 1944. On December 29 of that year, Sister died in our Motherhouse Infirmary.