Sister Marie Therese Kehoe, MM
Born: October 15, 1896
Entered: March 25, 1920
Died: May 4, 1950
In lieu of a letter to the Community at the death of Sr. Marie Therese, the following was prepared:
Theresa Gerard Genevieve Kehoe was born in New York City October 15, 1896.
Entered Maryknoll: March 25, 1920; Professed: August 4, 1922; Died: May 4, 1950 at the Motherhouse
- Graduate of Catholic Elementary and High, with 2 years at St. Mary’s Academy, Rosemont, Staten Island, NY
- Teaching Methods: School of Scientific Study, New York City, 1916—1917
- Educational Psychology: City College, New York City, 1918—19
- Pius X: One summer
- Summer School: Los Angeles, 1923 & San Francisco, 1924
- Courses in Church History and Christian Doctrine
- Received B.A. degree from Catholic University, Washington, D.C., 1928
Before entering Maryknoll Theresa worked as clerk for a N.Y. Steamship Company for a few months only, then as teacher for one year in All Saints School, New York City and for eight years as a public school teacher in Manhattan.
Sister Marie Therese taught the following subjects for ten years:
Physics, English, French, History, Religion
For three years she was Instructor in Education in Maryknoll Teachers College.
- 8/13/22 – To Los Angeles to teach
- 1925 – To Maryknoll as Chapter delegate, then to New York City to study
- 1926 – To Catholic University, Washington, D.C.
- 8/13/28 – To Clark’s Summit (The Venard) where she taught Sisters finishing High School for ten years
- July, 1937 – Elected 3d Councilor at General Chapter
- 1943 – Venard Superior pro tem
- 1944 – To Motherhouse, Vocation work
- 1945 – To San Juan Capistrano as superior
- 1946 – Attended General Chapter
- 1947 – Attended Elective Chapter; Reappointed superior of San Joan Capistrano
- 1/18/50 – Returned to the Motherhouse, ill
- 5/4/50 – Died at the Motherhouse