Sister Mary Alphonsa Bergeron, MM
Born: May 7, 1891
Entered: September 23, 1920
Died: July 26, 1967
A telephone call from Mother Mary Columba Wednesday noon brought the unexpected news of Sister Mary Alphonsa’s death at Valley Park. Our hearts went out to Sister Mary Philip, who had no warning of her beloved sister’s departure for heaven.
All who have known Sister Mary Alphonsa during her forty-seven years at Maryknoll, will accept this news with peace and deep gratitude, knowing that this is the glorious day, “which the Lord has made”, and planned for her for all eternity – her longed-for day of meeting with her Lord.
Sister Mary Alphonsa (Mary Philomena Bergeron) was born May 7, 1891 at Norway, Michigan. She and her younger sister, our own Sister Mary Philip, entered Maryknoll together on September 23, 1920. She was professed on August 4, 1922. Many of us remember Sister as the busy little sacristan at St. Martha’s Chapel, on the old compound, and postulant mistress. Then came her first mission assignment as one of the original group to Hawaii. She was Superior at Heeia from 1927 to 1930 and then was assigned to Manila, to supervise the Nurses Residence at St. Paul’s Hospital. All of the student-nurses who passed through St. Paul’s training school knew Sister as the hard working, kind and gentle Sister, who was concerned for everyone in the house, sharing the joys and sorrows of all. Then came World War II and internment from 1942-1945. The years following repatriation in 1945 were spent in our houses in the United States – Bethany, Houston, St. Louis and Valley Park. The last nine years were at Valley Park Novitiate, where Sister supervised maintenance – and the work of the men in a quiet and efficient way.
Mother Mary Columba accompanied Sister’s body to the Motherhouse on Thursday, July 27. The funeral Mass and burial were on Saturday morning. Please pray for Sister Mary Philip who has embraced this cross of separation with love, born of faith and trust.